Chapter 8

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The True Slayer

AN: Yo my peeps how it is going this fine long weekend. I hope you guys have lots of plans ready for this three day weekend.

Well anyways here's chapter 8 yay almost to double digits in this story.

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!

-Fairy Tail Guild Hall-

It  had been over one week since the end of Naruto's mating season and  things were just getting back to normal. Since as soon as he was allowed  to take jobs again Naruto took the hardest S-class he saw and booked it  out of the guild.

He had taken both Gray and Natsu with him to  let them gain more experience. Well at least that was his reason for  taking them with him... his real reason as to why he took them was to get  away from the both Erza and Kin who seemed to have become quiet clingy  to him. Mira and Tayuya had become monsters in his mind with their near  insatiable stamina when it came to the sex.

Well... Mira more than  Tayuya since Mira had said it had something to do with her own demon  wanting to mate with him and give him a child to seal the deal. Also the  fact that Mira had almost as much stamina as him made it satisfying her  all the more difficult.

But now we find the three of them  returning from the job and to the surprise of all in the guild hall  Natsu seemed to have a scar going from top left of his face to the  middle of his left cheek.

Everyone wondered just what job they  took that had given Natsu that scar. Gray on the other had just had a  little scar about half an inch to one inch going horizontal in the  middle of his nose.

''WE MADE IT BACK ALIVE SUCKERS!'' Natsu screamed out making Naruto smack across the back of his head.

''Don't scream Natsu I'm pretty sure they can tell we made it back alive and well!'' Naruto scolded

''Naruto!'' as soon as he heard that he turned tail and ran as fast as he could.

That's  when everyone got to see four very angry girls chasing after their  mate. Naruto on the other was running around the guild hall like crazy  trying to get away. Everyone was enjoying the show since it wasn't  everyday one saw a Wizard Saint running away from something.

''Alright  that's enough you four... please leave Naruto alone so he can report in  to me than once you five get home you can do anything you wish  Ehehehe.'' Makarov giggled making Erza and Kin blush.

Tayuya merely looked away to try and hide her blush while Mira huffed and looked away with the tiniest blush on her face.

Naruto on the other hand sported a rather large lump on his head from the four of them slamming their fists on his head.

''Now my boy please tell me what happened in this mission?'' Makarov said after calming his giggles.

''Ugh...  the job went great master but the only thing worth reporting is the  idiotic attempt of both Gray and Natsu in trying to be heroes... I was  able to save them but as you can see they didn't make it out without a  mark.'' Naruto said after getting up and dusting himself.

''I see  well that's fine and all but did you complete the job my boy?'' Makarov  sigh in relief at knowing that three of his children were back and were  just fine.

''Yes master the job was completed with minimal property damage.'' Makarov seemed to smile even more at that before frowning.

''Naruto  the others have called for an emergency meeting so get ready to leave  in an hour ok.'' Naruto was surprised at this since the others mostly  never called for a meeting.

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