Chapter 4- Part I

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Jane stayed over at Isle's house after she left the office. She couldn't sleep all night, but continued school as usual. Her friends tried to comfort her the best they could. That day was also the interview with Noah's mom, Miss Cassandra Rodriguez. Ms. Rodriguez was the CEO of a clothing brand. Her office was in a high-rise, elegant-looking building. "Damn, they rich," was Jane's remark when she walked through the shiny glossy hallway. The office was on the top floor of the building. She entered through the glass double door into the brightly lit office. The office was made of hard glass instead of walls, except for the floor and ceiling, and you could see the wonderful city underneath through the glass. There was only a table, some chairs and a bookshelf in the office. The bookshelf was covered with files. The floor was covered in soft, red carpet. Behind the table sat a woman in her late 30s, with silky waist-length dark hair, beautiful facial features, and eyes like Noah's. She was looking through the files on her desk when Jane entered.

"You must be Jane. Please sit," she said and motioned to the chair in front of the table. "I thought your brother would also come." Jane became uncomfortable because she hasn't called or seen Alex after last night. "I don't know where he is." Miss Rodriguez nodded. "Well let's get started with your interview first. Noah told me a lot about you. He also told me about your position and your previous job." Jane looked alert but Miss Rodriguez smiled and comforted her, "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me, for I understand why you chose to take that job." Jane sighed in relief. "But I don't want you to apply the methods that they taught you there to be applied in this job," she said sternly. Jane nodded. "Now let's get into the details. I think my son already told you that his father is not exactly the nicest person. He never met his father, and I don't think his father knows he exists, but he has many enemies who know about Noah's whereabouts. I can't exactly lock him up in a house all day, so I need someone to protect him. I should warn you that his previous bodyguards resigned because they usually used to get attacked, and my son barely escaped. They were not close to him, but you are his best friend, so I hope you will do better at this job not because you will get paid, but because you want to protect Noah. And as I have heard, you are one of the best fighters in this city."

"I will do my best," said Jane, determined. Miss Rodriguez smiled, "I know you will. You got the job, Miss Johnson. Just stay close to my son and monitor him at all times, effective now."

Jane got up, happy to get the job. Before she got out of the office, she asked Miss Rodriguez, "Um, Ma'am do you know where Noah is right now?"

Miss Rodriguez laughed, "He's on the second floor of this building, in the shooting room. I don't think he told you that he works as a model for my company."


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