Chapter 10- Part I

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"I really hope Jane is alright," murmured Alex, giving the radio back to Allison after their conversation about the assassins being at the hospital. Allison gives him a reassuring smile and says, "She can take care of herself." Alex nodded, trying to comfort his thoughts.

They were standing in the front yard of Rodriguez's Mansion. The mansion was a three-story huge building made fully of white, shiny stones. A path was made from the main gate to the door entrance for cars to drop. There was a vast elegant fountain in the middle of the yard, dividing the path into two before they met again in front of the door. Beside the path were varieties of trees and neatly cut bushes.

Behind the trees and bushes lined up all the agents, their rifles ready to shoot. It was very dark as it was night, but as the minutes ticked by their eyes adjusted to the darkness, I'd be lying if I said it was fully dark because there was light from the street lamps and the stars above.

After a while, Alex could hear the engines of vehicles. Five minivans and a car stopped in front of the main gate, which was closed. But somehow one of the assassins managed to open it. In came marching hordes of assassins. There were about fifty of them. Alex noticed that no one came out of the car, and thought Smith must be in there. But he focused on the marching assassins, coming towards them. Allison, Alex, and two other agents were standing in front of the fountain, facing the main gate. The assassins halted a fair distance away from them. Leading them was Gregory Colonel. Alex could recognize that big scar across his face anywhere. He was one of the oldest and closest associates of Smith and skilled in combat too. He was suspicious of not seeing many agents around and looked here and there to be sure. He said to Alex, "Give over the boy and bloodshed can be avoided."

"Well, tell Smith to get his boy himself," Alex said with a smirk.

Colonel sighed, "Guess we'll have to do this the old-fashioned way."

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