Chapter 10- Part II

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Bullets started to rain on the assassins from their left and right. Many of them ducked because they already knew something was off. They all ran towards the bushes where the agents hid and started to fight them. Allison joined in to help them.

Colonel punched Alex in the face when he was looking at Allison. "You should know how to obey your elders, boy," he said in his hoarse voice. Alex was surprised at this sudden blow, and he wiped his mouth preparing for the real fight. Colonel was a legendary fighter, and it won't be easy to take him out. Alex tried to hit Colonel and looked for the weak spots, but he dodged every single one of them. Alex was growing tired, and when he paused, Colonel brought out a double-bladed sword. Alex was struck with horror, because he didn't have any weapon that could match that, but he didn't show it and commented, "Fancy."

Just then Colonel swung the sword and Alex jumped back, right in time to miss it. Colonel kept on attacking, some of the swings scratching his skin, but Alex managed to dodge all of them more or less. Suddenly he bumped into another assassin, and they both fell down. This was the chance for Colonel to strike, and he shoved one end of the blade to the ground to pierce Alex's heart. But instead, to his surprise, he saw he dug the blade inside the assassin's heart. Alex rolled over when he was about to strike. As Colonel watched in shock at the fallen assassin, Alex took the chance to knock him off from behind. He took the double-sided blade from him, admiring its sharpness, forgetting that it was the reason his whole body ached from cuts. 

Just then Allison came into view. She was fighting off an assassin. She shouted to Alex, "Pick up the radio!" and threw the radio at him.

Alex caught it and to his relief heard Jane's voice saying all the assassins at the hospital were down. Alex replied to stay put at the hospital, and just then he heard a scream. It was Allison's. Alex quickly cut the call to check what was going on. The assassin Allison was fighting had dug a knife through her left arm. Alex quickly shoved the sword inside the assassin's hand and rendered the assassin unconscious. He helped Allison get to the front porch of the Mansion. He examined the wound, which was pretty nasty and deep. Blood poured out drenching her sleeve. Alex carefully pulled out the knife, trying to cause as little pain as possible, and then wrapped the cut tightly with his coat. He told her to wait there until the fight ends. Allison hesitated but then nodded. She didn't like the idea of putting her fellow agents at risk and not fighting alongside them, but she could barely get up.

Alex rejoined the fight, but someone pushed him and he was knocked against the wall. A tall assassin held him up by the neck and choked him. Alex was gasping for air as he struggled to get out of his grip. When his body was almost starting to stop functioning, the assassin holding him loosened his grip and started to choke out blood. Someone had shot him in the heart. Alex fell to the ground and bent his head gasping for air. He tried to think straight, as his vision was very blurry and his head was throbbing. Something wet fell on the ground. Alex recognized it as blood. He brushed his hand through his hair and found out some parts of it were wet too. When he looked at his hand, it was covered with blood. He had hit his head too hard when the assassin shoved him towards a wall. Now it was dripping with blood.

But this didn't stop Alex from fighting. He looked around. An equal number of agents and assassins were knocked out, and more of them were still fighting. Through his blurred vision, Alex could see the window of the black car parked outside the front gate was open. Someone was looking at the battle going inside the yard. Alex rushed there, dodging bullets and assassins. He opened the door of the car, to find the driver and one other person sitting in it. The person was Paul, a narcissistic, good-for-nothing assassin. Alex blew up with rage, and started punching Paul, and yelled, "WHERE THE FUCK IS SMITH?!" Paul didn't say anything and just grinned. Alex stopped punching and held him by the neck. "Listen, if you don't tell me where he is, believe me when I say this, I will rip that heart out of your chest and feed it to the dogs." His words and tone were so frightening that Paul gave in, "Ok! Fine. He's at Rodriguez's office."

Alex's face filled with horror, "He tricked us-"

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