{ Proverbs 17:6 }

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Chapter 1 song: Putting A Spin On Heather By Egg (Instrumental)

{ "Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children." }

Hands grasping onto the shoulders of the protagonist, the feeling of tentativeness erupting from within them. They're contemplating towards the strange, intimidating people ahead, not knowing what to say, their body subconsciously tucks away behind the person's grip.

Their safety finally reassured once being partially concealed away. Their protector merely makes a sweet, mortified sound, gently forcing the protagonist to return to their previous position, although they don't budge, they only tuck further away into their shadow, gripping tightly onto their long, fluffy, elegant dress.

The protagonist's eyes abruptly trails downwards from the taller, older people to the boy in front of them. His sunflower golden eyes illuminates his softened features, his face appearing to show apathetic towards their predicament they're both trapped in. The way his face resembles the two people simply creates nervousness within the protagonist.

Their protector in front initiates their words for them. "I keep forgetting she's like this when it comes to meeting new people." The hands moving on top of her head, combing through her beautiful locks. The reassurance permeate back into the protagonist's body, the overwhelming feeling of security makes her more languidly to the three.

"Well, this is my daughter: Y/n... she's honestly my sweet little angel, She's normally this diffident, however once you get to know her, she's more convivial." Her mother proceeds to stroke the hair of the protagonist: Y/n. The other woman, presuming, she's the mother of the boy in front, grins a tad at the introduction.

Her elegant, definite features presents an intimation of mirthfulness. "Oh, just like our son: Vincent St.Evans Callaway. He's normally well....reserved, he's mostly a quiet boy, secretive and things of that nature."

The girl finally opens her mouth to speak her first words to the strangers. "Is he not your sweet little angel, too?" She blurts out, the older woman merely generates a velvety jovial noise from within her. Her lips tugging slightly on her corners, her hand immediately covering up her irrelevant etiquette.

"Of course, he is. He is our sweet...little...angel..." The lady responds, perceiving the sinister tone on the word angel. The way the woman had tilted her head to the side merely produces the girl to back away into her mother's shadow once more.

Noticing the malevolent aura vibrating on the three. The rancor seeping out of their bodies attempting to penetrate her white light makes her feel uncomfortable. "Anyways, my son can supervise your daughter for you when you come to visit." She mentions, her elocution is authoritative, elegant, snobbish, and compelling.

'I want to stay by mommy's side. Pretty please say no.' The girl surmises, her attention now averting upwards to where her mothers face is in view. "That's an excellent idea." Her mother answers punctiliously, simultaneously the little girl behind begins to jerk the older lady's elegant dress, implying on her input of the predicament.

Her mother's hand blanketing over her grip to priorly lower her body down, being at eye level with the timid little girl. The smile she failed to conceal, sneakily appears on her face. "I want to go with you." The young protagonist proclaims, her eyes casually averting back over to the three people eventually onto her mother's features.

"No, not yet. I want you to enjoy your freedom and childhood." One of her palms shifts over to her cheek, caressing it as if to reassure the little girl about her answer. Y/n's face changes into the definition of forlorn, her eyebrows furrows downwards forcing her youth forehead to crinkle up like she aged 30 years more, her lips forms a slight frown.

The girl commenced on protesting for her stay. "But-"

"There's no buts, now I shall see you anon, little one." Subconsciously, her mother's left hand combs through her daughter's hair. The little girl's eyes merely flickers back over to the three, unknowingly scrutinizing on the boy in between the adults.

'God be on my side...' The little girl prays.

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