{ 1 Thessalonians 5:11 }

742 40 6

Chapter 19's song Final Duet By Omori

{ "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." }

Her red velvety dress swirl around her gliding her body with her hands placed inside her partner's left palm and the other one is settle onto the broad shoulders on them. Their feet move in one swift motion although one of the feet hesitates and stumbles casually. The other one gracefully positions itself in a complex yet simplistic routine.

Their right hand is placed on the small back of the younger lady, their attention solely focusing on the partner below, who simply plasters a hyper-fixated expression on her. She doesn't display peer into the taller person since she desires to hone this fine skill.

The two simply twirl their bodies in sync in a huge continuous circle on the wooden flooring of the 1st floor extra room. They move elegantly within each embrace, comfortable in one another's company. No one spoke except for the tiny mouse's whisper of the woman stating: "Left, right, turn, right—" Y/n's body begins to swirl in a quick circle, her hand still intertwined with her partner—Vincent.

The rapid motion results in the woman to ravel her body out, permitting the free arm to fling to a straight line. Suddenly, she sense her figure being jerked back into Vincent's area. Incompetent to defer the constant speed, she ends up colliding her chest up against the one to cause the abrupt force in her sudden dance routine.

Astonished by the sudden extreme closeness to the demon. He's at this point embracing her tightly up on his firm chest. Distinguishing every muscle he honed and trained for hours to sculpt/build upon. The thickness of the clothing simply softens the blow to her body, normally Vincent would pull away nevertheless, his right hand is still settled on her tailbone.

Subconsciously, the protagonist accidentally pushes the other person in the opposite direction. He doesn't fight the force, he merely flows with it and his footing takes a few steps backward. Vincent's eyes seem to be focused on her while she moved him and still on her when she pivots her face to the side of her. Not daring to peer into his intense, hyper-fixated eyesight.

"Thank you for teaching me some aristocratic dance routines, Vinny." Y/n shifts her attention to the man to declare her appreciation towards him. He tugs lightly onto the corners of his lips as he inclines his head gradually lowering his body at a 90° angle to his dance partner.

She musters up a giggle or two from his endearing gesture. It solely makes her insides want to tangle up with some ticklish butterflies. Her attention glances past the taller fellow's shoulder.

The painting hangs proud and assertive in bold colors with a crying boy in his hat resembling the French flag. The background in the artwork had a brown sofa on the side of him and a tan table top on the left. Red roses are placed on top of the table. Instantly, reality hits her once she's reminded of her departure to France.

Vincent detects her eyes softening and her eyebrows furrow downwards slightly, nearly unnoticeable. He also tilts his brows down at her unanticipated facial expression. "Hey. What's happenin' up there, lass?" The older lad inquires about his friend. She shakes her head to yank herself out of the trance the painting appeared to cascade on her.

Her attention back onto the man a few feet away. "Well, me and my mom are departing to France for a month, this weekend."  She announces, catching the subtle alterations in Vincent's body language making the young lady pivot her head back to her right side. Still distinguishing the vehemence of his interest.

"Why for?"

"My mom has some family business in France for our side hustle." The protagonist blurts out. Her eyes habitually yearned to position themselves back to their original placement. His focus is eager to lock into hers knowing she could cure this acute sense of disturbance and displeasure towards the abrupt event.

He couldn't defer the harsh blur out to the unanticipated news. "Yer mother just abruptly decided ta snatch ye away and abandon me here for a month. Or perhaps for a year. Ye could fall ill or worse ye could get—"

"Not a year and I'm not going to— Huff. That's overdramatic, Vincent. Besides you have your family, the servants, and that girl Lilian. Therefore implying, you're not completely secluded and Vincent, you have to become acquainted with some unfamiliar faces, someday." Y/n suggests. Her hand extends over to the forearm of the demon. Gently caressing his icy skin with her thumb, sensing the hairs on him being lifted as goosebumps begin to litter him from her intimate interaction.

Tugging on the corner of her lips. His eyes wanders down upon her soft hand settling on him, distinguishing the softened eyes of Vincent once more linked to her. This alienated emotion commences to boil within him, triggering a reaction to his special abilities. His stomach starts to dance the waltz in a mixture of pure fervency and... libido??

Anyways, Vincent understands he could lose control of his powers if they continue to touch like this. Being acknowledged by his weakness, he steps backward, bestowing Y/n some personal space in this vacuous dance room.

Immediately, the demon plasters an impassive facade on his features, intersecting his arms against his chest. "I do not desire ta rendezvous with Lilian. I can tolerate yer fatuousness and personality mair (more) than hers. Also, I'm not attentive ta the servants and I'm not goin ta humanity to converse for a simplistic discussion thon (that) highlights the interest in the other's day or their feelings."

Y/n listen to his statement, inclining her head a bit. Endeavoring to figure out their situation so that both parties would be assuaged with their solutions. "Oh, dear." She slips out.

"Whit lass." Vincent sighs.

"I resolved the predicament by allowing you to accompany us. Frankly, you hardly want to leave the house nowadays and you seem to be less elated. So you leaving the country can aid your pitiful state." She settles, jerking her shoulders upwards to place them back in their original position.

Vincent moves his fingers underneath his chin, his right arm being an elbow rest to his left.  "Hmm...Well, I'll have ta notify ma parents aboot ma sudden absence. Anon Y/n." He informs the younger lady. Y/n simply smiles at the somewhat grinning Vincent, who, of course, wipes the smile off of his face before rotating his body to the dark wooden door.

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