{ Proverbs 18:22 }

990 47 17

Chapter 15's song: chorale prelude, ich ruf zu dir, herr jesu christ (bach/busoni) [valentina lisitsa]

{ "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord." }

"Whit are ye doin' here, Lily?" Vincent announces to the almond brown-haired lady outside of his manor. Her fair hands politely place upon her pastel pink dress, her eyes constantly fixated on the pale apathetic complexion of the male. Wondering how in the world she's able to continue to be acquainted with the irked lad.

Lilian's appearance only radiates from the irascible man ahead. Coincidentally, the female friends always seem to shower him with joy and ecstasy during the duration of their friendship. "The absence of your presence is extremely unbearable, Vin." She exaggerates with a playful grin dancing across her lips.

Denying to believe her antics, Vincent exhales out to the dramatic lady of Rosenfield. "What? Is it that difficult to believe?" Lilian comments, tossing her arms around Vincent's neck to embrace them in an intimate welcoming hug. The 17-year-old lad doesn't react or meet her halfway through the interaction. He only intersects his arms, resting them against his chest.

The emotion display upon him is his casual apathetic and reticent attitude toward the human woman. Who's all too used to his feelings to him yet she continues to pester him for the prior three years when his only best friend deferred all communication and connection with him.

Lilian was simply a person to assist him in forgetting about the 12-year-old however it hardly did anything except for expressing how lonely he was without her. "Lily, indeed it is." Vincent blurts out. Lilian pulls away from their long hug and she simultaneously loops an arm around his left one.

"Vin. You should be familiar with my appearance, now." She mentions. Directing him into the outside world with the white and gold carriage awaiting their noble presence. "We've been mates for three years." She brags, moving in front of the carriage's door. The servant on the side habitually opens the door for the Lady and she climbs into the transportation.

"Three years of tolerance and torment." He blurts out, waiting for her to get inside the carriage. With a faint grin spread across his face although he removes it once she sits on the back seat whilst Vincent settles himself on the opposite side of her. The vehicle's interior is the same color palette as the exterior however a mint green color predominately ruled the inside.

"Well, I surmise that is a genuine compliment since last year it was annoyance and agony." She reminds him. Her eyes are automatically glued onto the male in front since the next inquiry is more intimate and directed towards him.

She opens her mouth to simply question the demon: "How are you and that girl y/n doing? You seem more buoyant and assuaged." In the mention of his favorite human, Vincent subconsciously tugs at the corner of his lips. Discerning the apathetic attitude from a moment again and perceiving himself as being in his pleasant memories.

His eyes immediately glimpse downward at his hands because of the sudden joy being exhibited externally. Vincent despises expressing his feelings to a mortal, especially Lilian. Only for the reason of being acquainted for mere three years whilst the young protagonist and he have countless years.

Of course, nothing goes past Lilian and she instantly catches the grin on him. "Oh, so I'm suspecting things are great. I'm delighted. Now I can have friendly rendezvous with my good friend Vin since you have returned." She playfully complains, spreading her smile onto her complexion.

Regardless Vincent composes himself back to his typical emotionless façade. He simply inhales and then allows the soft breath to slip between his thin lips. "Ye make it sound like we're a couple. She's 12." He dryly comments. Oddly enough, she would comment on his peculiar relationship with his younger friend and him.

She scoffs slightly at his answer. "My older sister got married off at 12 to a 40-year-old. Therefore consider her the lucky one." Lilian shrugs her shoulders implying age doesn't matter in her generation. If the family needs a wealthy ally. They merely marry off the closest female relative to the man's household.

"I refuse to dae thon (that)."

"Yet, you technically are. You are five hundred years old and you're going to marry someone significantly younger than you. Who, mind you, is barely thirty or twenty?" Lilian informs him. He simply produces a soft audible noise to slip out of his mouth.

His eyebrows scrunch downwards to her peculiar answer to his existence. Subconsciously, his thumb and index finger begin to swirl with one another out of boredom and instincts. "Ye ken, Lily. Thon is the strangest and most simplistic way to put ma kind's liaison life." His voice was laced with curiosity and disturbance to his friend.

Lilian continues. "I mean it is the truth. Your kind selects and searches for humans to turn. So, you can proceed to reproduce and corrupt the world."

"Ye also ken that. We dinna intentionally search for our soulmate. It just so coincidentally...is a human who, we, find tolerable."

Lilian playfully gasps at this small discovery. "Is there some lingering intimations of myself being tolerable to you? Frankly, Vin. You are a genuinely splendid—"

Vincent's eyes abruptly dart over to the fair woman in front. His expression exhibits subtle emotions of annoyance and abhorrence toward the woman. "If there was a human, I am to be wedded to. Ye willna have to worry because it will certainly not be ye."

"My, Vin. You know how to burst a woman's ego, huh?" The lady chuckles at her friend's comment. Typically people would find Vincent an extremely rude man by his rude answers to certain questions. The people attempting to converse with him would be dismissed from his nonchalance, indicating why he doesn't make any new friends.

"It isn't ma job to keep yer ego small and feeble. Thon is yet god's job ta do so." Vincent blurts out.

Silence in the carriage discreetly creeps up between the creaks of the long pauses in the conversations. Eventually, the silence sits there and envelopes its arms around the two. The lady's attitude abruptly shifts once she ponders over a concept of hers. She opens her mouth to speak her mind. "If you were to marry someone, would you marry the girl?"

For the first time, Vincent notices the hesitation seeping within his being. His mouth opens yet nothing comes out of it. He once more shuts it. His attention immediately fixated upon the swirling motions of his fingers. Realizing the habits and mannerisms of the twelve-year-old girl he was influenced by. He immediately defers the motion and clears his throat when he suddenly has an idea to say to Lilian. "I would not be able ta dae so..." He advises her.

"Is it because of your condition?" Lilian innocently questions.

He nods his head and he also looks out the window saying: "Also I would require her consent to do so. Yet, I dinna surmise, she would agree to become a demon."

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