{ 1 Peter 5:8 }

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Chapter 2 song: The Mercy of the wind by the millions eyes

{    "Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."    }

'Why he play those old games?'

'He so...cool looking!'

'He looks so nice like that.'

The little girl, however, did not become convivial during her time at the Callaway's house. She merely became a tiny stalker towards her own babysitter by following his movements, mannerisms, gestures, and appearance. She was fascinated at how he looked exceedingly handsome, albeit the young lass didn't yearn to admit her admiration.

Plus he and his parents have this uncanny aura surrounding them that merely causes Y/n to feel tumultuous.

Her eyes frequently glimpsed back at the boy in a deft manner, endeavoring to observe him without perturbing him with her inquisitive self. 'What book is he reading?' The young one ponders, unconsciously, her attention goes back to him for the hundredth time today.

'Pride and Prreejoo-'

"If I got a penny for ev'ry time ye gawked at me I would've been...more prosper than now." For the first time, the boy had spoken up to her. His elocution doesn't have an old-fashioned English accent, it's more intriguing to her, very enticing, and compelling to her.

Her body jolts up at the abrupt voice coming from him. Instead of cowering away at his prompt interest, her body begins to move closer to him on its own.

Settling herself onto the same log he's currently seated on. Her fluffy, elegant, expensive dress spreads out over the fallen tree, although it's improper etiquette to sit on anything dirty without a blanket, despite this, she doesn't care. "I'm sorry, you're just very..." The little girl trails off, thinking over her words carefully.

"Intimidating? Supercilious? Exotic? Scary?" He blurts out, half of the words he uttered were words she didn't even know existed.

She blindingly nods, tentatively at his sentence before she moves her head from side to side. "No, you're very beautiful and cool looking."

"Aye, basically exotic. Whit? Dae ye wish me to do a magic trick for ye, so you can stop starin' at me?" He mentions towards her fixated eyes this simply causes her to shake her head again, endeavoring to pull her attention back away from his delicate features.

"No, not like that I meannn. You and your mother and father are...something else, I can feel it." She utters the end of her sentence. Subconsciously, her hand initiates the movement to reach out and touch the crook of his neck for an unknown reason. She's once again back into her tranquilized trance that's cascaded upon her.

Reflexively, the boy positions his head away from her touch, safely securing his poise composure towards the subtle interaction. Y/n promptly gets yanked out of her trance-like state. "I'm sorry, I-"

He lifts his hand, implying that she's forgiven. "For a wee lassie, yer more anchored to the world than most folks." Vincent mentions, his hands darting to something within his pockets to simply remove a mini white handkerchief. Squeezing it, gripping it to remove any dirt on his palms.

"Yeah because uhh... I can see a lot of different humans." She admits. The boy on the side of her generates a vague, inaudible sound in an act of mirthfulness showing up because of the sentence the girl blurts out.

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