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After hours of silence and a lot of snoring, Citlali still hadn't managed to go to sleep

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After hours of silence and a lot of snoring, Citlali still hadn't managed to go to sleep. It wasn't a big deal, she knew that, but Paul holding her hand while he slept peacefully made her nervous. She liked it-she missed it. She defiantly missed it, that she can admit .

And when she finally got bored of starring at the ceiling fan, she turned to look over at him. He was facing her, his eyes shut and mouth a tad bit open, to her  he looked peaceful and it took every form of strength for Citlali to not run her fingers on his face or his soft looking hair. To avoid doing that she began to play with the hem of the small blanket she was using.

"Go to sleep." Looking up at Paul, Citlali found that he still had his eyes closed.

"I'm trying, but I can't and you're to blame."

Chuckling a quick apology, Paul quickly reached over and pulled her small body towards his, cuddling her.

"I missed this." He whispered  into her neck before going back to sleep.

Me too, she wanted to say.

By the time morning came, the sun began to rise, and guys took off, Citlali was still asleep or rather, finally managed to fall asleep. Only this time she wasn't on the floor, but was moved to the couch. When she awoke around three and learned about the guys departure, she grew upset only because she didn't even get to say goodbye or tell Paul to be careful. Now his safety was going to worry her until she gets to see him.

All she could do is worry and it seemed the rest of the girls were worried as well, and for some reason, after witnessing how she and Paul had been cuddled up together, none of them had it in them to tease or question Citlali about it. For now, at least.

"Thanks Emily."

Breaking the girl out of a daze, Citlali noticed two shirtless and extremely young teenagers sitting at the dinning table and one of them she immediately recognized. "Collin?" She stood up from the couch with the small blanket she began to roll through her hands as she walked over. Though he was now too tall for his age and was defiantly a lot bigger in general, the tattoo on his arm gave it away.

"When did you-?"

"Right after the wedding." Emily placed some napkin's in front of them. "And this is Brady." She gestured towards the there teenager Citlali also knew very well through her friendship with Maddie, Collins older sister.

"How's your sister?" Citlali took a seat next to him.

"She's been bitchy-she's upset, and I see why now but I understand completely, I do. But she's still my sister and you hurt her."

Citlali instantly frowned at his words and quickly decided to remain silent, not wanting to cause a problem. It has been a while since she spoke to him. In fact, they had always been close. Due to Maddie and Citlali being best friends for a long time, Collin always followed them around when she came over. At one point they had considered themselves siblings as well.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this." She finally decided.

"I'm not." Collin replied. "This is the best thing that has happened to us and we're friends with Sam. Even better."

"You don't care what people will say?"

"No." He shook his head. "Well, I care about what my sister will say. She would hate it. She would hate that I'm even talking to you."

"Look, whatever happened between me and Maddie has nothing to do with you and I."

"I know. I know that." he responded a bit annoyed before continuing to eat. Leaving her in a awkward silence.

"Would you like something to eat?" Emily came back placing a cup of water in front of the girl.

"No, thank you." She shook her head. "I'm okay." She gave a smile before standing up. "But where's Julissa?"

"I believe outside." Nodding, Citlali began to make her way towards the front door. "Don't you dare go beyond the trees."

Nodding, she took off towards the porch where she found her sister in law. She knew like herself how worried she was. She knew they're love was different. I mean, they did marry immediately- how could it not be.

"Hey." Citlali took a seat in the steps next to Julissa who immediately laid her head on her lap.

Nothing needed to be said between the two. They know they need each other for support and comfort. "Nolan will be okay." Julissa tried to comfort her sister in law, but the teenager knew better. Julissa was trying to convince herself. "He will. He has to. He promised."

"He will." Citlali agreed. "As annoying as he is, he's always been the brave one. As he likes to say, the man of the house." She mimicked his voice causing her sister in law to smile.

The sun was just beginning to set when Collin and Brady rushed into the home after doing a perimeter check. Apparently Quil had contacted them that Jacob had gotten hurt and they were all headed to his house to wait for Doctor Cullen.

As bad as it sounds, Citlali was extremely relieved to know it wasn't Paul or her brother. Under normal circumstances she would have stayed away just so she wouldn't be a  bother, but because she was the only one with a car. She was volunteered to drive them to the Black residence.

"How bad do you think it is?" Kim had been the one to ask from the backseat.

Immediately, Citlali blocked out that conversation when Emily replied. She didn't want to think about the the chances of it having been Paul. How would she have reacted to the news? Probably cry. The relief that came off of her when the guys said a name that wasn't too important to her made her want to cry.

If it were Paul, was this really how she wanted have things to end? No. She loves him truly does and she hates that she's just now admitting it. Hell, she never had the courage to tell him. She hates that she let this stupid little argument go on for on for so long. How could she have been so stupid?

The moment she was pulling up into the driveway, she hurried out of the car like the rest of the girls and made her way over to him. She didn't bother checking on her brother, she just went straight for him and immediately wrapped her arms around him.

"I hate you so much. You really scared me." She whispered into his shirtless chest.

"I love you too." Paul smiled starring down at her as he attempted to move her hair out of her face, but with her face was still hidden against his chest, which was making it hard for him to do. So he gently reached for her face with both hands.

"I love you, Citlali." he repeated making sure they were making eye contact.

"I love you too." She whispered.

When tomorrow comes. - Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now