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"Nanu! Nani!", Anvaay and Anaay screamed joyfully as they entered the Alwaani Mansion. The couple was at the door, waiting for them. They smiled brightly as they took their little grandsons in their embrace.

"We missed you kids", Esha told as her eyes brimmed with tears.

"Mom, Dad", Annika walked slowly towards her parents, looking around the house. The house where she was born, the house which had seen her growing up, the house whose each wall was scribbled by her, the house which was so close to her. She was weeping as she hugged them.

"Stop crying", Anant caressed her hair.

She didn't moved. She was still hugging her parents so close that if she lets them go, they will be gone and never return to her.

Anvaay nudged her arm.

She looked down at him, "What?"

He actions her to come closer to him and she did so, bending to his level.

He brought his hands to her face and wiped the tears away, "You are my strong girl. I can't see you crying", he smiled.

She smiled at the love and care her son showers on her. He was so similar to his father who used to say the same. He used to say the same dialogue.

Anant and Esha smiled at their children. Annika can't be gloomy till her sweet little kids are with her. They love her to no extent.

"No Anvu, I am good", she assured.

"And this is a sweet lily for my super sweet Mom", Anaay came and brought a lily, plucking it from the nearby vase and gave it to her.

Annika laughed slightly, "Thank you, Baby", she kissed Anaay's cheek and Anvaay's forehead. She looked at the purple white lilies. They are her favourite. Looking at then, a day flashed in front of her eyes.

Annika smoothed the wrinkles of her as she looked into the mirror. She smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, satisfied with what she was seeing. She smacked her both lips together after apply a cherry lip balm. She phone beeped.

"I am waiting"

"I'll be there. Downstairs?"

"Right outside your room"

How can she forget? He is her neighbour! Having a final look on herself, she picked her clutch and marched to the door. She opened the door and found him standing there. He looked at her from head to toe. She was wearing a white body con dress with balloon sleeves, reaching below her knees with black heels.

He was awestruck, "Why have you dressed like as if we're going on a date?", he teased.

She grinned slightly, "I'll change if its not", she was prepared with her answer.

"No!", he spoke immediately, "But what made you take it as a date?", he moved away as she came out to lock the door.

"You rejected the team dinner and opted to be with me. Does it need any more hints?", she faced him.

He was wearing a black shirt with a black vest coat. He took out his arm which was till then hid behind his back. She was about to question it but answer came right after that. He held forward a bouquet of lilies, "These are for you. I hope you like lilies"

She loved lilies, "Thank you. I love them", she smiled. She took his outstretched hand, "Where are we going?"

He grinned down at her. 

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