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Annika was sitting on the wheelchair which was being dragged by Shivaay. They were at the entrance of Alwaani Mansion. She was happy to finally be at her house after getting rid of the miserable hospital bed. On the other hand, she was sad too. It was because Shivaay was running after her. The first thing she wanted to do after getting any better was to run back to Sydney. She wanted to erase all the memories which happened in past few days and pretend like she never came back to India.

Now, the circumstances were lot more different. Her kids knew who their father was. Somehow, both of them were a lot attached to him. She needs time to figure the things out.

As Anvaay pushed the door to the hall way open, Shivaay strolled the wheelchair down inside. As she entered inside, she felt rose petals showering over herself. Forgetting every issue, she looked up and spread her hands around as the flowers kept showering over her. She loved it. She smiled whole heartedly for a moment. 

When the shower was over, she heard a scream, "Welcome Back Badi Maa". She looked in front and found Omisha, Karish and Ruvi standing there with balloons, muffins and Lilies. She smiled more beautifully as for meeting her other kids for the first time, "Come here Babies", she extended her hands to them as the kids came running over to her, hugging her close.

"Careful kids, make sure to not hurt her wounds", Shivaay alarmed them.

"We are good, Bade Papa", Omisha assured. She smiled to her elder twin brothers and called them to join the hug too which both of them quickly did. When they moved away, Omisha tied the balloons to Annika's wheelchair.

Little Karish fed her with a bite of muffin while Ruvi gave her the Lilies, "Bade Papa told us that Lilies are your favourite", he spoke innocently.

Annika looked back briefly at Shivaay. He passed a weak smile to her. She didn't respond to him but quickly smiled at Ruvi. She kissed his head, "I love lilies as I love all of you.  Thank you Omisha, Karish and Ruvi. You kids made my homecoming memorable"

Omisha went and bent forward keeping her mouth near Annika's ear, "I bet he told to not reveal this but this was Bade Papa's idea", she told truthfully.

"Omi!", Shivaay warned as he heard her whispering.

Omisha quickly moved back, "I didn't say anything"

"Kids, why don't you all grab some pizza and cake till your Badi Maa fetch some rest?", Esha suggested.

The other kids squealed in happiness and ran towards the dining table while Anvaay stayed back. He went to Annika and kissed her head, "I want you to have some rest. We will figure about the future later but right now, I want you to be okay", he told softly.

Annika simpered, "I know. I love you"

Anvaay nodded and went away.

"He isn't much expressive but he loves you a lot", Shivaay said.

"I know. I have raised him till date and know him better than anyone else", Annika replied.

"Shivaay, why don't you drop her to her room. We have shifted her room downstairs for a while", Esha told.

"Sure thing, Mom", Shivaay said.

Esha and Anant left to see the kids while Annika wondered why Esha let Shivaay call her 'Mom' cause though she loved Shivaay like a true mother, she was definitely mad at him for leaving her daughter. Were her parents already on his side same as her kids. Was everyone expecting her to forget and move one with Shivaay and kids together?

"Let's move sweetheart", Shivaay said as he strolled her down to the room.

She was having no heart to be with him again. All she wanted right now was to stay as far as possible from him. Obviously, she can't or won't deny her children to stay away from their Dad. They also should know how amazing their Dad is, "I'll help myself", she told simply. For once, she thought that Shivaay would apy for custody of the twins. But from his moves, she knows that he wants not just the kids, but her too. He wants to refurb the long lost broken family.

He bent over her shoulder. He kept his chin on her shoulder from behind. He shrugged the strand of her hair,"I won't let you be alone, again", he whispered. Saying so, he dragged the chair to her temporary room.

The last thing she wanted to do right now was to argue with him. The stupid hospital feeling sucked and she wanted to go and lay on the soft cosy bed. So she allowed him to take her away.

As they were down way to the room, they passed by the dining table. She saw the children who happen to be sister and brothers happily and joyfully talking and laughing. Anvaay amd Anaay had a new enthusiasm on their faces,"Stop", she told Shivaay. They stood at some distance from the table.

He stopped immediately and looked in the direction where she was looking. He smiled. It felt like him, Om, Rudra are playing and eating there.

"Aren't they too adorable together?", Annika said totally awed.

"Of couse they are. All siblings together. We are just missing the one who would be arriving soon", Shivaay smiled at her.

Annika smiled back at him. It wasn't an intentional smile. It just came in the adore of moment, "Can you hive me your phone?", she asked.

He shuffled through his pockets and gave her his phone, "What's wrong"

She quickly opened the camera and took several pictures of the sibling group, "Capturing Memories", she told.

He smiled at her everlasting habit. Her fondness of capturing beautiful moments and cherish them till end of life.

After her business was complete, she noticed the wallpaper of his phone. It was a picture of her, Anvaay and Anaay. She recalled that day. They were celebrating the twins birthday. It was a memorable day. Only the sad thing about it was their father was not there with them. But from where did he get that picture.

Shivaay understood her question, "I saw it in Anvaay's phone. So asked his to share it with me"

She nodded, "I want to go to my room"

They went down the hallway. After he opened the door to the room ans enter inside. She saw the room was dark. The curtains were drawn and not even a single thing was visible, "Can you switch on the light?", she asked.

He strolled her in the middle of the room. He then went fo click the lights on.

As a few lights appeared in the room, the sight in front of her made her emotinal. There were a lot of pictures of her around the room, all light up by fairy lights of golden, pink, red, white and blue colour. Her pictures with her parents, friends, then Shivaay and at last, with her children. She felt her whole life was flashed in front of her. From her birth, when she started crawling, walking, pre-school, school, college, jobs, dating phase, marriage and then finally kids. As tear made down her cheeks, she couldn't balance her feelings.

On one side, she had an option to chose a further beautiful life and on the other side, there was every word her ex-husband said about her, her parents. Most importantly, it was her self respect.

She knew that Shivaay was stubborn. But he wasn't the Shivaay who he used to be years back. The Name, Bloodline and Lineage now doesn't matter to him.

She had a point. A solid point. And inevitable point which she will never forget. If she decides to go back, she knew that Anvaay and Anaay would never oppose her. Yes, convincing them might be a little difficult now. Then her parents. Most probably, they were on Shivaay's side now. She won'tbe able to make them agree to her.

"Hey, don't cry. It was to make you happy", he kissed her hair.

She didn't say anything. She was silent, just observing things and playing several scenarios in her mind.

"But a lot of pictures are to added ber right now", he said.

He looked her to find his face, "Which one?"

He came amd bent in front of her, "Our fam picture. You, me and our children. And the whole family. The Oberoi's and The Alwaani's. Then all the siblings which you clicked just now"

"I want to go to bed", she told looking way.

He strolled her to the bed and then helped her to moved to the bed. He made her lay down and tucked her to she sheets, "Sleep tight".

She closed her eyes hoping to find so peace in her dreams.

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