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Annika was sitting on the chair of the dining table with Anvaay, Anaay and her mother, Esha. Her father was not there having an emergency in the hospital. She sees Anvaay and Anaay helping themselves with the food after they refused the servants to do for them. She somehow felt pride in the way her children as so self reliant and and domestic.

She look at her mother, who was looking gloomy and tensed. She was like this ever since she had came from the hospital. Always, Esha is excited to spent time with her daughter and grandchildren but today, she was different and worried.

"Mom, see. Nani has asked them to make cheesecake for as a dessert", Anaay squealed in excitement.

Annika smiled as she saw the servants bringing the cheesecake and dicing them to pieces and placing them right in front of them. She looked at the white brownish cake slice in front of her. Several memories flashed in front of her eyes. 

It's been almost an year and half since there were dating. Their families had already met each other and were in a quite good terms. That day, he had planned at lot of things for her and she didn't had even a slightest clue about the same.

They drove to a restaurant where two tables were already arranged for them. It was an empty place. No other customers. She seated and he did the same.

"I really love this restaurant, and it's decorated extra special tonight, what's the occasion?", she asked. This was the same place where they had visited after their confession on the beach. It was like their first date as an official couple.

"You'll see soo", he simply answered. He called on the waiter and they had their food, talking about their usual work and routine.

Later, the waiter collected their plates.

"What's for the dessert?", Shivaay he asked.

"Two to choose from: Cheesecake or chocolate ice cream", he told.

Annika felt her mouth water. She needed both, "Is it possible to get the cheesecake with the chocolate ice cream, you know, right on top of it?"

The waiter smiled and nodded, "For you sir?"

"I'am good", he told as the waiter left.

Annika looked at him, giving him amusing faces, "You make me feel like I eat a lot", she pouted.

He grinned and extended his hand to her cheeks, "You don't"

She smiled, "Still you'll share it with me", she kept her palm over his hand which was on her cheek.

Shivaay's heartbeat reached the max possible rate. This was it. The engagement ring was to be placed with the dessert and written in chocolate on the plate the question: Will You Marry Me?

He watched the waiter anxiously as his knees started to tremble. 

The plate was set right before her, and when she took a spoon to dive in, she stopped herself. Her voice mumbled as she read what was written on the plate and when her eyes caught the ring, the spoon fell from her hands and she looked upto him. She covered her mouth with her palm as her eyes made tears. She had been waiting for that moment for so long. Even she thought to propose him but never got the guts to.

He took off from his chair and dropped to his knees, taking her hand which was on her mouth, "Annika, I don't know what to say. I know that you are aware about my feelings ever since we have known each other. We gave each other a chance, a chance to know each other better and look, how long we have walked, from strangers to professionals to friends to relationship partners and now, I want to take it to the next level. To be each other's better halfs. I love you. So will you marry me?"

Tears slipped from her eyes, "Yes! A thousand times yes!"

He smiled and slid the ring on the finger, pulling her for her hug, "I'm so happy you said a yes, because if you didn't, I would have felt so rejected in front of all of them"

At that moment, the doors to the restaurant burst open and their families piled in with shouts of congratulations.

Annika came out of the hug, "Oh my god, Mom! Dad! Dadi! Om! Rudra!", she hugged all of them as they wished them.

The atmosphere turned into a small party. Music blasted from the speakers and the servers poured glasses of juice and mocktails for everyone. He smiled looking at his Dadi who was perhaps over joyed the most. After all, her Billu is in love and will be getting married soon. 

Both of them could literally see their families completing. He lacked the love of parents. He got one in her parents. She lacked the love of grand parents and siblings. She got one in his family. It was indeed magical.

"Dance with me, Shivaay", she told him and pulled him in between the dance floor and they danced like they were already husband and wife.

She snapped out from her thoughts by the banging sound which erupted when the spoon fell from Esha's hand, landing directly on the white marbled floor. She could see her mother loosing control over her surroundings. She walked to her heat and picked the spoon up, "Mom, it's alright. It's just a spoon"

"It's not", Esha mumbled, "It's a life"

"Haan?", Annika was confused, "Mom, we need to talk"

Esha got up from her chair, "Annika, I need to go the hospital. Anant and she, she needs me"


"Kalyani JI", Esha answered half- heartedly.

Annika could feel her body shaking as she heard that name. What is wrong with her? Is her health critical, "Anvaay, Anaay, take your plates and go to your rooms", she ca't talk in front of them.

"Mom----", Anvaay tried to speak.

"Room, right now!", she semi-shouted.

The kids nodded. Picking their plates, they went away.

She turned back to her mum, "Da--Dadi?"

Esha nodded, "She had a bypass surgery today. An emergency. She was depressed which led to her serious heart condition"

Annika's eyes flooded with water. She sobbed and sniffed, "How is she now? Why was she depressed?"

"Dr. Ishita and Dr. Tanvi, you know right? They told me that she was quite in this state ever since you left. She wanted to meet you", Esha confessed.

Was she the reason behind her Dadi's health? How bad daughter she proved to be, "Mom, she--is she fine now?"

Esha's eyes sprinkled tears, "Anant operated on her. It would be better if you meet her. She'll recover at a faster rate with this"

"Of course I'll meet her. She is my Dadi, Mom. You should have told me earlier. Let me go".

"Not now", Esha stopped her, "She must be asleep due to surgery. Meet her tomorrow", she suggested.

Annika nodded, "Please take care of her family. I don't wanna face them", she told lightly.

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