Chapter 5: There For You

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Doesn't he get tired of rejection?

Every day that fucking Simon asks me out and every single time I decline, sometimes not so politely. But nothing can seem to dissuade him from wanting to go out with me.

When is it going to be enough for him? My Goddess... I thought I was determined but he's something else. I can barely glance at him and he comes grinning at me like I'm his dentist or something.

Jesus! Leave me alone already!

In other news, it's been a month since I got here and things are going well at school

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In other news, it's been a month since I got here and things are going well at school. I get along great with my omega friends and wrestling practice is just as normal for me as any other student. Finally!

Though to be fair, I'm still the only person on the team who's undefeated. And by now, I have fought off every single team member including Simon, not that he puts up that much of a fight.

However, it's not all rainbows.

I still get glares here and there from some of the students, but especially from the future Alpha. He barely tolerates me because he has no other choice. But I can tell he'd prefer if I went away and never came back again.

Sorry, pal. That's not going to happen.

My parents are also adjusting fine to the new routine, but they're warriors so I'm not really surprised. The job is always the same wherever you go, only the boss changes.

Of course, this is a much larger pack than our previous one. So the scope is way bigger, but still... the work never changes: they have to protect and defend the territory.

Werewolves are deeply territorial.

You don't cross into another pack's turf without permission, not if you want to live anyway. Which is why my parents have gone through the proper channels when they did.

I mean, it's a free country. But unless you're driving by, I'd ask permission first if you want to avoid any trouble.

Because our warriors don't let trespassers live. No, werewolves are not exactly known for being soft and cuddly.

And any wolf would know this. Because all of us are the same: possessive and territorial.

Of course that only applies to other wolves as we don't kill humans. They live unaware of our reality and we don't attract needless attention to us.

"Does that boy still ask you out every day, sweetie?" - Mom asked me during breakfast with an amused tone and smile.

It's Wednesday morning. I don't always have the opportunity to sit with my parents for breakfast, so it's nice when I can. My dad laughs at this.

"Do you mean your future boss? Yes, he does. And I have done everything I could think of to stop him." - I answered with a sour mood.

"He is not our future boss. He's our future boss' boss." - Dad smirked.

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