Chapter 33: Love Machine

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I'm afraid.

Have you ever felt so happy that you can't help but wait for the other shoe to drop?

Now, I'm not saying I have never been happy before or I was miserable until I found him. I wasn't, thank Goddess. In fact, I was very happy with Simon. So much that I couldn't fathom that I'd be any happier without him, especially with Felix as my mate.

But like I said before, there isn't a choice to be made. I had to accept Felix. I can't reject my mate. I will not be deprived of my chance at happiness. And that's not taking into consideration that Simon would get mated away from me.

No, sir. I don't need to suffer as he is suffering right now. I do love him and wish him the absolute best as he deserves to be happy too. I really do.

But no, bitch. I can't take being any more different than I already am. I simply cannot. I need my fucking mate, regardless. We live in a werewolf town, if I'm not mated what am I supposed to do? Have an affair with someone mated? Risk my life? Fuck no! My parents raised no cheater. And it's not like you can hide being mated like humans hide their wedding rings. There's no hiding the mate mark, which is kinda the point.

Also, let's be honest for a moment. There are worse things in life than being mated to the Alpha of the pack. Sure, I can't be a warrior like my parents and that's a bummer. And it's not the same as being mated to Simon, who's rich.

But in all seriousness, I will never have to answer to anyone in my life aside from my own mate. And he's not the boss of this relationship. I'll never have to worry about money, or cleaning and cooking. I don't need to concern myself with anything else than to perform the duties of a Luna and raise our future pup.

The pack house is a massive endeavor to take care of, yeah. But it's different when you're (just) calling the shots instead of having to cook and clean for 50 people. Very different.

I would be fine if I had a simpler life or if I had to take care of my own household, with a mate and a pup. I was raised for it, no problem.

But I'm not strictly speaking mad at being a bourgeois housewife with a maid and a cook. I never thought it was a life possible for someone like me, sure. In my old pack, they would probably have a heart attack if the future Alpha got mated to me. Honestly, I don't know if he'd accept me, even under the 'can't reject the Luna' circumstances.

But that's not a reality I have to worry about. Thank Goddess! It's horrible to maybe reject a mate, but being rejected is a pain I wouldn't wish on anyone. Not even Ben Blackburn, though I don't think he's all that bad. It was a terrible situation his with Liv.

But I digress.

I am afraid of what might happen tomorrow, but today I'm happy. Happiest than I've ever been by my mate's side.

We're marked, my soul is complete, I am fulfilled. Not only that, but I got to top the Alpha.

And he fucking loved it!

He couldn't get enough of me, of my hard cock inside of him. And I happily gave it to him. It's funny, if you'd told me some time ago that I'd have the opportunity to top the Beta and the Alpha, I'd ask what you're smoking...

Really. Never would I've thought it was possible for a lonely omega like me, but life is full of surprises and possibilities. Not that I'm opposed to bottoming myself. This isn't about bottom shaming or superiority. Not at all.

Sexual positions don't define your ranking in life. Or anywhere for any reason. People who somehow think like that are delusional.

I'm not superior to anyone except by being an awesome warrior with exquisite fighting skills. That's it.

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