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 It had been a week since the echoes of New Year's night, and Serra, seeking solace, took a sick leave

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 It had been a week since the echoes of New Year's night, and Serra, seeking solace, took a sick leave. A week cocooned within the walls of her home, where the quietude offered refuge for introspection. She longed for time to stand still, if only for a fleeting moment, to grant her the respite she so desperately sought.

Loving someone unrequitedly weighed heavily on Serra's heart, a burden universal in its ache. The torment lay in the unanswered questions that plagued her mind. Why was she not the object of David's affection? Why did Lily occupy the coveted space in his heart? The painful scrutiny turned inward, probing her own existence.

The hardest part began when self-doubt seeped in, questioning the very essence of her being. Serra journeyed through this internal labyrinth, reaching the unwavering conviction that the fault did not lie with her. It could be circumstance or the capricious nature of attraction. Still, she yearned for an explanation, clinging to the fragile hope that perhaps it was all a misconception.

Yet, she recognized her own fault, the silence that cloaked her true feelings. She knew she was in the wrong for not revealing the depths of her emotions. The internal dialogue mocked her, questioning her reluctance to confess.

No one had told her not to confess; it was an unspoken fear that held her back. Sometimes, the heart could not bear the confines of mere friendship, yet it trembled at the prospect of rejection. Deep down, she understood that the person she loved only saw her as a friend.

Determined to break free from this emotional impasse, Serra found herself at the university, attending lectures, trying to engage in the semblance of a normal routine. Her gaze would occasionally wander to the commerce department, where David and Lily shared the same academic space.

One day, after classes, she gathered the courage to approach them. "Hi," she spoke, her voice a fragile bridge between the unspoken and the acknowledged.

"How are you? Are you feeling better now? You should have rested at home," David inquired, concern etched on his face.

"I'm fine now. I rested well for the week, but finals were coming, and I needed some time to practice my photography. Do you have any more lectures?" Serra responded, her eyes betraying the longing she tried to conceal.

Their conversation unfolded, plans made for a rare hangout, a chance to break the monotony of academic obligations. As David and Lily agreed to join her at the cafe later, Serra seized the opportunity to be close to him, to share moments that transcended the boundaries of friendship.

"Hey, Serra, would you come with me?" Lily's voice interrupted her internal musings. "I have to take my books from a classmate. She borrowed them from me, and currently, she's having classes. After that, we can go to the cafe with David, and then I will attend my lecture."

"Okay, let's go," Serra replied

"Okay, let's go," Serra replied

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