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5 years later

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5 years later

"I don't think Mr. Walter would agree to such a thing, Mam. It was not in the contract," Serra said with nervousness.

Claudia Hernandez is an important customer, but her demands are ridiculous. Her boss, Martin Walter, is a famous photographer, a middle-aged man who clicks the most amazing photographs and is very busy doing them. However, she asks that he could come to her private party, attended by 'celebrities and big personalities,' and snap some pictures for social media.

Deluxe is a big brand of the magazine. Every aspiring photographer wants to be part of it, but they only hire the best. However, hiring is not like buying them. Her boss has kids and a wife whom he is devoted to and strictly told her never to make an appointment after 5 pm. But the new COO of Deluxe and daughter of the CEO wants her boss to attend her late-night party, which will probably end near 2 or 3 am.

But who is she to say, 'you are just being a brat' to Claudia Hernandez, so she is doing what she needs to do.

"I'll try to manage, but Mr. Walter has a busy schedule, and I'll ask Mr. Walter if he could make some time for you."

"I don't like to wait, and I also don't like 'no' as an answer."

"Yes, your highness, and I would love to say no to your face if I didn't want to be unemployed for the rest of my life," Serra mentally said to her.

"Yes, Mam," Serra said and turned to leave.

Graduating from the special program really boosted her career. After graduation, she secured a job as an assistant to photographer Mark Walters, her professor's good friend, and a good mentor to her. He is a good boss who values time the most and loves his family dearly. Serra learns so much from him, and she does the job of taking pictures of the easy ones. Serra wants to gather experience and open her own little studio. She wants to travel and click pictures of everything that inspires her.

She calls her boss and tells him about the special demand of Claudia Hernandez. And of course, he tells her that he is not interested and asks about his appointments for tomorrow. He is booked for the next 5 months, and there are many more who want to hire him, including many big personalities for their marriages and companies for their cover images.

After finishing all her work and wrapping the shoot which her boss let her do for the last page of the magazine, she calls the assistant of Claudia Hernandez to say, 'Sorry, Mr. Walter wouldn't be able to make it.'

Poor assistant, Serra is one hundred percent sure that Claudia would be pissed to take No as an answer.

She heads toward home and picks up some vegetables along the way. She was craving fried rice since morning, but today was not her day. It was very busy, and she just ate an apple and survived on coffee all day. But tonight is her night.

She went home, made fried rice, sat on the couch, and ate the whole bowl while watching television. After that, she washed the bowl and showered.

Serra called Zerena while lying on the bed. After she graduated, she left the town and shifted to the big city. Zerena is pursuing her Ph.D. in NST.

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