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Today marked the commencement of Serra's odyssey at NST, a bastion of architectural brilliance that seamlessly intertwined the opulence of the early 1900s with a contemporary flair

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Today marked the commencement of Serra's odyssey at NST, a bastion of architectural brilliance that seamlessly intertwined the opulence of the early 1900s with a contemporary flair. The university's aesthetic allure resembled a harmonious blend of coffee and vanilla, encapsulating a delightful, sweet-bitter symphony. NST stood as a testament to a bold gamble that not only paid off but also radiated a charm reminiscent of north-western-style architecture, evoking a sense of timeless elegance.

With anticipation coursing through her veins, Serra eagerly logged into her student ID, unveiling the intricacies of her semester schedule. Armed with textbooks procured the previous day, she brimmed with confidence, ready to immerse herself in the academic challenges that lay ahead.

Her first-semester curriculum unfolded as a familiar yet intriguing tapestry:

- History of Photography

- Basics of Digital Photography

- Digital Photography Applications

- Basic Art and Visualization

- Communication Theories

As she perused through class details, a curious absence of a specified subject for her inaugural lecture added an extra layer of mystique to the morning's proceedings.

Stepping into the auditorium, Serra found herself amidst a sea of fellow students. With a bit of spare time on her hands, she immersed herself in her favorite Sudoku game on her phone. Fond memories surfaced of early mornings spent in the university library, engaging in competitive Sudoku matches with David—a tradition that gradually waned with Lily's arrival.

Interrupting her musings, a voice delicately inquired, "Can I sit here?" Serra raised her gaze to find a girl adorned with a thick north-western accent, blond hair, and pale blue eyes—distinct features harmonizing with the local aesthetics.

Serra nodded in affirmation, and the girl took her seat, initiating a friendly gesture by offering a bar of chocolate. Serra, a connoisseur of chocolate, graciously accepted the sweet indulgence, and they both savored the moment.

"You give me the feeling of cool breezes in winter, like in my hometown," the stranger remarked, attempting to bridge the gap with a touch of nostalgia.

Serra, ever composed, merely shrugged, her focus unwavering on her Sudoku game. The stranger introduced herself as Zerena, sparking a brief yet congenial conversation that unearthed shared affinities for winter and cool breezes.

As the principal ascended the stage, addressing the gathering of students, Serra concluded her Sudoku game and set aside the remnants of the shared chocolate. The auditorium pulsed with an electric anticipation, marking the threshold of an academic journey laden with promises and potential.

The principal, recognizing the presence of promising students, shed light on the university's concerted efforts to attract talent through scholarships. Despite NST's modest rank—25th in the country and 98th globally—the institution aspired to provide an environment synonymous with top-tier universities. This ambitious undertaking included special classes designed for the best students, featuring illustrious professors such as Frank Anderson, a distinguished photographer of global acclaim.

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