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Serra and Siaan spent the day in a cosy atmosphere, resting and indulging in the delightful baked goods prepared by Serra's mother

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Serra and Siaan spent the day in a cosy atmosphere, resting and indulging in the delightful baked goods prepared by Serra's mother. As they savoured the flavours, they delved into discussions about their future plans—specifically, how to secure the remaining funds and broaden their network of connections. They understood the significance of connections, recognizing that in the professional world, relationships were often as crucial as skills. Some might label it as nepotism, but to them, it was an accepted reality. Criticizing nepotism might be easy until one finds themselves in a position where it becomes a pragmatic choice, and then the perspective might shift.

Serra actively engaged in expanding her professional network, understanding the power of personal referrals and connections. Her goal was not to snatch opportunities from others but to position herself favourably so that people could recommend her services or connect her with potential employers and clients. The foundation for their studio's success was being laid, with Serra and Siaan cultivating valuable relationships. Among their contacts were Serra's former boss and his acquaintances, as well as Siaan's network of professional connections.

It's worth emphasizing that Serra approached networking with integrity, aiming for recommendations based on her skills and professionalism rather than simply seeking favours. The journey to build a successful studio was in progress, and they were well aware of the importance of a strong support system.

Life was unfolding positively for Serra, each connection made and plan set contributing to the promising trajectory of her professional endeavours.

The terrace was adorned with a magical ambience—a tent adorned with fairy lights, a crackling fire for warmth, and a lingering aroma of delicious food that Siaan had meticulously prepared earlier in the afternoon. Serra and Siaan found themselves in the cosy embrace of this setup, engaged in a discussion that meandered through the realms of poems and literature. Eventually, the conversation gravitated toward the topic of love.

As they sat close, the gentle glow of the fairy lights illuminating their faces, Siaan began to unravel his thoughts on love, sharing a perspective that transcended the conventional notions.

"You know, there are stages of love," he began, his eyes reflecting the flickering flames. "Most people only reach the 4th or 5th stage. The upper stages are reserved for what we call true lovers—hard to find, difficult to have. The lovers you hear about in the world, rarely even touch the 6th stage. Their stories linger because they died, and their love was left incomplete. Great lovers, but not true lovers. They often skip the 6th and 4th stages."

Intrigued, Serra inquired, "What are these stages?"

"The first stage is attraction, often mistaken for love at first sight. The second is liking, where you enjoy the person's company. The third is love, where you genuinely love the person. The fourth is trust, where you trust the person with your life. The fifth is worshipping, where you literally worship your loved one. The sixth is the obsession, where you can't live without your lover. Obsession and worshipping are distinct. In worshipping, you follow your lover's words, trust them, and have blind faith. In obsession, your lover becomes your sole reason for living."

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