Chapter 8: Indigo

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We're all sat in the waiting room while Greyson is in surgery, we had to take him to a private hospital because ours isn't meant to handle injuries as big as greys. Alessia, Charles and my parents are all on the other side of the room and I'm with Ollie. Hunter and Enzo are at the house sorting things out and Oakley......we'll I don't actually know where he went.

I look down at Ollie who's on my lap asleep and brush the hair off his face, he's small for a twelve year old I remember Alessia telling me once that he was a preemie, I'm sure he'll fill out, I mean look at his big brothers.

We've been here for about seven hours and we haven't had any news apart from the fact that Greysons now in surgery. I feel something wet drop onto my hand and look down to see Ollie crying.

"What's wrong piccolo uomo" (little man) he stares up at me and turns around in my lap so that he's facing me.

"I don't want grey to die indi, I love him a lot, he's my big brother, he was supposed to drop me off with my date at the weekend" he crys and my heart hurts for him, I've never seen Ollie cry before, not even when he broke his collar bone and arm crashing greys bike that he wasn't supposed to go near last February.

"He's going to be ok" I reassure him but the thing is I don't know if he will be

"You don't know that" Ollie mumbles tears still running down his cheeks. I get my sleeve and wipe them off, I hate kids but Ollie, he's just, well Ollie.

"Yes I do because you know what" I reply

"What" he mumbles

"He's strong like you and I know that two bullet isn't a patch on your big brother, he'll be alright" Ollie nods and rests his head on my shoulder

"Love you indi" he says into my neck

"Love you too Ollie"


"Greyson king?" A man dressed in a white doctors coat calls out and we all stand up, his eyes widen for a second before he clears his throat and starts to talk.

"He's in a stable condition, the bullet in his back missed his kidney by millimeters but both bullets have been successfully removed, we recommend that he stays in for the next few days and doesn't do any heavy lifting or physical activities for the next 4-6 weeks"

Has this man looked at Greyson? It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to see that he goes to the gym and lifts heavy shit every day.

"He's awake so you can go and see him" the doctor finishes and walks back out the room.

"You guys go first I'll stay here with Ollie" I say to my parents and Alessia and Charles, they walk out and I'm left with a sleeping Ollie.

30 minutes later they reappear.

"He wants to see you indi" Alessia says and smiles at me, I stand up with Ollie in my arms and walk towards greys room. I check my Apple Watch and see that it's 2am no wonder Ollie's still asleep. I changed into a hoodie and sweats before I got here,I had a feeling we'd be staying over.

I open Greysons door and walk in, it's got blue wallpaper and a bed In the middle with a tv. Not bad.

"Took you long enough" he says quietly from his bed, there's wires on his left arm, which is the one that got shot, and he's propped up on the bed.

I walk over to him and place Ollie next to him, this boy sleeps like the dead. Grey smiles softly down at him and looks back to me.

"You look like shit" he says to me, how nice of him.

"Says you, you're wearing a nighty, do you want some warm milk to go with it?" I tease him

"It's a hospital gown" he replies and pats the spot on the other side of him

"What?" I question

"Just lay down with me indigo, I'm glad you're safe ok, let's just be civil for one night, we can go back to hating each other in the morning" he whispers so quietly I can barely hear him.

I lay down down next to him and hold his hand.

I hate him
I hate him
I hate him
I hate him

I don't

"I'm sorry I scared you blue" he mumbles, I'm not even pissed off at him for calling me that, he really Fucking scared us all.

"Why?" I ask, he knows what I'm talking about

He stays quiet and leans over with his good arm to switch off the light next to his bed.

I don't think I hate him, but I like to convince myself I do, it's easier to argue with him than it is to be friends with him. Greyson is the only boy I liked after what happened to me, I don't trust men that aren't in my family but I'd trust him with my life.

But I need to protect myself and so I hate him and he hates me it's the way we've always been and it's the way we'll stay.

I start to drift off and just as I'm about to fall asleep Greyson whispers softy from next to me. I don't think he knows I'm awake.

"Because no matter how much we hate each other and no matter how many times you threaten to kill me" he laughs gently at the last part "it's your life before mine, always"


I know it's short but it's a double update so look to the next chapter!

I hope you're enjoying the book and Thankyou so much for 3k reads, love you all!

Happy reading!

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