Chapter 31: Greyson

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I open my eyes and look to my chest, indigos head is peaking out the top of my shirt and she's got her hood pulled over her hair. She stirs slightly on top of me and lifts her head up. She looks up at me though her lashes and rubs the sleep from her eyes. I'd love to stay like this for longer but I've got an appointment.

"Blue darling, I've got to get up" I tell her and she groans . She slides out from under my shirt but falls out the bed in the process. I Burst out laughing and she gets up and glares at me.

"Calm down fat ass, at least i don't snore" she jabs at me and walks off.

"I do not fucking snore indigo-"


"Whatever helps you sleep at night babes" she replies and slams the bathroom door.I stick my middle finger up in her direction and get out of the bed.

I change out of my t-shirt into a jumper and some loose jeans, I left some of my clothes in here the other week when I was here. I shout out a goodbye to her and she replies with a lovely....

"Fuck off" someone's not a morning person. I walk out the door and head up stairs to the kitchen. Matt and Oakley are singing that fucking driving song again and I cover my ears.

"Christ you sound like cats being dragged down the highway" I yell over the commotion and Oakley glares at me and stops singing,

"At least I don't look like a cat that's been dragged down the highway" He sasses and picks up a cookie.

"I wouldn't be so sure" I respond and he chucks the cookie at my head.

"Don't throw food in my kitchen Oakley knightly!" Sofia shouts at him  and he kisses her cheek and apologizes. I smirk at him and he sticks his middle finger up at me.

"How is she?" My mum asks walking into the kitchen and hugging me.

"Better" I respond and say morning to everyone before I rush out, can't be late.

I get on my bike and pull out the drive.

20 minutes later I arrive at the shop and I park my bike. I head in and and walk through the familiar door.

"Hey grey!" Blaze greets me and gives me a bro hug. He's a fairly tall well built guy with not a single tattoo on him which is odd considering it's his career but he's always said he only finds doing it fascinating, it's to painful to have done for him and his wife would kill him.

"How you been man" blaze had been the guy who's done my tattoos since I got my fist one ever. That's Ollie's name on my forearm and his date of birth. Obviously over the years I've got a full sleeve on my left arm and my whole bicep on my right, along with some on my chest and fingers. I got my first one when I was 15. When you're the mafia bosses son, you get things other people don't, like a lot of under age tattoos.

"Good what about u mate how's the Mrs"I respond and hop on the chair as he readies the tattoo gun. He already knows what I want so I pull off my jumper and he gets to work as he talks.

"Pregnant again" he smiles and shakes his head.

"Fun" I reply, the needle presses to my skin but I'm used to it now. Don't get me wrong it still hurts like a bitch but it's not as bad as it was the first time.

"I know that's 7 now"

"Fucking hell, I don't know how you do it" I reply and he laughs

"It's worth it" he tells me. I watch as the needle traces over my skin, over my heart.

He finishes it about half an hour later and cleans it off.

"Want me to wrap it or not?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Thanks mate" I pay and leave him a large tip, getting on my bike and heading back to the knightly's.

When I walk through the door I hear indigos laughter and the sound of someone screaming, sounds like Oakley,

"When I said we could do anything I didn't mean you could attack me with nerf guns woman!" He screeches and runs behind me as I walk into the living room. A bullet hits me i the face and everyone goes quiet.

"INDIGO!" I shout and chase after her as she giggles and screams running away from me. I grab her waist from behind and pull her to my chest. She elbows my stomach and I grab her arm, she sweeps my legs from under me and suddenly we're both on the floor, our faces inches away from each other. I roll us over and pin her to the ground.

"What are you playing at?" I ask her and brush my lips across hers.

"Nothing, now get off you're fatass is squashing me" she hisses and shoves me off.

"That hurts when I just got your name etched on my skin" I tell her and her eyes widen.

"You didn't"

"I did"

"Lemme see"

"It'll cost you" I tell her and she glares at me.

"What?" She tilts her head and furrows her

I lean my head towards her and look her in the eyes.

"A kiss" I say and brush my lips over hers.

"Oh yeah?" She replies and smiles at me.

"Oh yeah"


"Oakley!" We both groan and he looks at us innocently and waves.

"Can I see the tattoo, I'll give you kiss as well" he says and walks over to me.

"What- no" I tell him and roll my eyes. I take my shirt off and indigos eyes looks over my chest until they settle on my heart.

She traces the ink and places a soft kiss to my skin.

"Why here?" She whispers

"Yeah why there?" Oakley repeats and flicks it.

I whack him over the head and he puts his hands up in surrender and walks out.

"GREY GOT INDIGOS NAME TATTED ON HIS HEART!" he announces really fucking loud and our mums cheers are heard though the walls.

"It's the first place you kissed me after I got you back, it made me feel all funny" i explain and she laughs at me.

"Big bad mafia boss got butterflies did he?" She questions and I feel blood rush to my cheeks.

"Are you....are you blushing grey?" She says shocked and squishes my cheeks.

"So adorable" she mumbles and I roll my eyes at her. Nobody else gets to talk to me like she does.

A rush of footsteps is heard and our mums bustle in the room and run over to us excited.

"See that sof" my mum nudges her best friend and they both grin.

"Yeah I see it" sof replies and hugs my mum.

"What do you think their babies will look like"



Ooo things are getting good. Hope this was alright. That's 3 updates today so enjoy.

Love y'all

Happy reading!

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