Chapter 15: indigo

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ASSAULT (it's only a small bit but i love y'all and I don't want to trigger anyone ❤️)

He's here, he's really fucking here and he's waving at me. I can't breathe, I can't think I just want to get the fuck away from him.

I stumble from the bar and towards the upstairs office Enzo has that I know I can lock myself in, I check behind me and he's not there anymore. My vision is blurred with tears and I'm grabbing at my throat, I need to breathe.

I make it to the empty part of the club just before the stairs to the office and I'm just about to go up them when I crash into someone, I look up to apologies but I'm met with the same blue eyes that haunt my nightmares instead of a stranger.

He grabs my shoulder and suddenly I'm 6 years old again and begging for this disgusting, sick man to let go off me, begging him to stop touching me, crying and screaming at him to take me home because as strong as I may have become, the weakness that I felt then will always define me when Franco is around.

"Don't touch me!" I scream at him but it's so muffled by the loud music that I doubt he can even hear me, tears are streaming down my face and I'm trying to gulp in air.

"It's been so long my little bluebell" not the nickname, please. I thrash around but he's got such a tight grip on me.

"You may be his now but you'll be mine soon" he hisses in my ear and just like that he's gone and I'm left wondering if he was ever even here.

My legs are useless as I climb up the stairs and make it into the office punching in the code with shaky hands and practically falling into the office, I slam the door behind me and it beeps signifying it's locked. I go over to the corner and slide to the floor, i try to take deep breaths but I can feel his touch lingering on my skin, it feels poisonous to the point where my shoulder feels like it's actually burning.

I can't stop shaking and I can't breathe, so I pull out my phone and click on their contact while pushing the speaker button and putting the phone at my side. They pick up on the third ring.



"-That's why we should add this to next years plan" one of the men finishes

I'm sat in a meeting and it's my most important one yet, it's the annual meeting for the American mafia and the first time I'm leading it, as I'll be taking over in 6 months as the official don. My dads sat beside me and he glares at me when my phone starts to vibrate.

I yank it out my pocket and I'm about to decline when I see the the contact name blue 💙 pop up on the screen. She hasn't spoken to me in days and she want to talk now? I press the answer button. I can hear music on the other end of the line.

"What indigo? I'm in the middle of a really Fucking important meeting, couldn't you have called later?" I hiss into the phone, all the men are looking at me and some are shaking their heads. My dad is rubbing his temples and sighing.

When she doesn't answer I go to hang up but stop when she talks.

"He-he touched me grey I-I can't b-breathe" fucking hell

"Who touched you indigo?" My dads head shoots up at that and as soon as he nods his head I'm up out of my seat and running out the door, i don't give a shit about my reputation or what those men think, somebody's touched my fiancée and I'm going to Fucking kill them for it.

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