Chapter 14: indigo

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It's been a few days since my argument with Greyson and we haven't spoken since. I don't know where he's sleeping but it's not in our bed, he can sleep on the streets for all I care. Asshole.

It's 7pm and I'm currently getting ready to go on the mission that I spoke to Enzo about last week. Im dressed in a short black dress that hugs my curves and I've got a small amount of make up on, my hair is straight and is way past my shoulders. I ate already so I head downstairs, I don't know where Greyson is so I won't tell him I'm leaving, or maybe I should since I have to ask permission to do shit now.

I get in my Ferrari and head to the location the drug dealer is which happens to be one of my fathers clubs, I get out and head over to the modern office opposite the club where Oakley is waiting for me.

I walk in and Oakley is sure enough sat at one of the desks finger nails?

"Hey oak, why are your fingernails pink?" I ask making him jump and look up to me from where he's sat down.

"Sophie painted them for me" he answers, who the fuck is Sophie- oh.

"You mean the little girl from the hospital?" I question and he nods his head .

"Her mom- Amelia- and I went out for a date a couple weeks ago, I really like her indi, and Sophie of course" he says quietly, he's obviously nervous too see what I think. Silly boy.

"You don't need my approval oaks, if your happy then that's all that matters.......but I would like too met her" I reassure him and he nods his head at me.

"Next week ok?" He asks and I hum out a yes.

"Will grey be there?" Oakley asks and I shrug

"Uh-oh trouble in paradise is it, maybe I can help, I did an online career quiz once and it said that I'd be a good couples therapist,of course I'll have to charge you for my services but I'd be happy to help" idiot

"No Oakley, now give me the earpiece so I can get on with this mission" I reply and he hands me the little earpiece. I'll switch it off because he gets annoying but still-

"Ok I'll walk you though what he looks like but you'll probably have chucked the earpiece in the bin by the time you get to him so I'll tell you a bit now and you can go. He's called James but he's likely to use a fake name, he's got long black hair and a beard, he likes girls that don't have a lot to say so keep your mouth shut and he's into the innocent type so dial down the glare" Oakley finishes  in one breath.

"Oh yeah and he's fat" straight to the point I guess

"Ok Oakley, I'll be done in a bit, I'll leave his body in the dumpster outside can you get the guys too clean it up?" I ask and head to the door while Oakley shouts a yes and a goodbye.

"Come in indigo 123 come in" I hear through the earpiece not 2 seconds after I've left the building.

"Piss off" I say too Oakley and head over the street and into the club.

"I'm telling mum you said that-" he starts but I'm already bored of him so I switch off the earpiece and scan the bar up front for the drug dealer. I see him and walk over to the bar. I catch his attention by bumping into his side.

"Sorry" I giggle.


"No stress darlin'" he drawls out with a heavy southern accent. I put my hand on his shoulder and thank him.

"What's your name pretty" he asks

"Mia" I reply and ask him the same thing.

"Harrison" oh my god, he could have picked a way better name than that.

"What do you say we get out of here sweet cheeks" he suggests. This was easy.

"Ok" I say sweetly and follow as he grabs my hand and leads me towards the back exit. Perfect that means that the dumpsters right next to us.

He pushes me against the wall and kisses down my neck. I'm so close to gagging it's not even funny. I turn us around and grip his dick through his trousers to distract him while I pull my knife from its holster, he groans and rolls his hips. I actually almost fall over from his weight but I push him up against the wall just as he did to me and bring my knife to his throat.

His eyes widen and he flails around a bit.

"What are you doing?!" He shouts and i elbow him in the nose.

"You stole money from my brothers mafia sweet cheeks so I'm killing you" I state the obvious and stab his back, he yelps in pain and punches me in the face, or tries to because I grab his arm and twist it until I hear that satisfying crack. He cry's out and falls to the floor.

"ci vediamo l'inferno" (see you in hell)  I whisper in his ear and slit his throat. He grabs his neck and gargles a bit before dropping to the ground completely as blood oozes from his throat.

I turn the earpiece on again to talk to Oakley quickly.

"It's done" I say

"Fucking hell indi that was quick" he replies and we say goodbye before i chuck the earpiece in the dumpster and head back inside, Enzo's men will be sent to clean that shit off the floor.

I look down and my dress is black so whatever blood might be on it nobody can see, i head to the bathroom and wash my hands before going back out to the bar. I'm already here so why not?

"Margarita please" I say to the bar tender when he asks what I want to drink and i wait for him to give it to me.

"Cash,tab or card ma'am" he asks

"Put it on my brothers tab please" I say

"What's his name ma'am" the bar tender questions

"Enzo knightly" I reply and the man asks for proof of ID so I get out my drivers license and show it to him, fear flashes in his eyes which I smile at and he nods his head at me bidding me good night and walking away.

The legal drinking age is 21 but when you're a knightly the rules can change a bit.

I sip at my drink and look around the club, couples are making out, friends are dancing, people are smoking and strippers are climbing over the men in booths half dressed and tits practically out.

I'm not judging them though because for one some of them look hot as fuck and two you gotta do what you gotta do.

I'm nearly done with my drink when my eyes catch sight of someone.

No, it's not him, it can't be him.

I study him and sure enough looking me dead in the eyes is Franco marchetti, my kidnapper, rapist, abuser and torturer.

He waves at me and my throat starts to close up.



Duh duh duh

Dramatic pause, make sure you've read chapter 13 as this is the second update today!

Happy reading!

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