Chapter 26: greyson

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My legs burn as I see indigos limp figure retreat into the door. The door closes just as I get to it.



"Grey I can't , it's got a multi lock on it give me a sec ok?" He says calmly.

"I DON'T HAVE A SEC, SHES GONE SHES FUCKING GONE, THEY'VE GOT HER OAKLEY, SO OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR" I yell, I'm punching it and pulling at the handle but nothings happening.

"what do you mean they've got her?"

"They drugged her and took her through the door, she's gone so open it" my voice is hoarse from shouting and my hands are bloody and cracked.

"Ok, shit,shit,shit" the door opens and I run through, but there nothing apart from another door. I run over to it and pull it, it opens and I rush out. I'm outside but all I see is a car, driving away. I run after it.

My throat hurts, my legs are burning, my hands are bleeding but indigo is the only thing on my mind, she's in that car and their taking her away from me.

Their taking her away and I promised I'd kill her if this happened.

I couldn't do it, when I saw her leaving, I couldn't fucking do it and then she mouthed it's ok to me and I was running faster than I've ever run before.

My eyes were going blurry and my vision was getting more and more poor, but I couldn't stop. I can't stop. She's leaving and it's all my fault.


"Grey she's gone" no, she's not, not my blue she's not fucking gone.

The cars out of sight and I'm left behind, my stomach has blood pouring out of it, I didn't even notice I'd been shot. My head feels heavy and I can hear voices in the distance.

The first person to reach me is Vincenzo.

"Grey what's happened, where's indigo?" I can't tell him, I can't tell him that his daughters gone again and it's all my Fucking fault.


"They took her" I manage to get out and Vince helps me up.

"Alright son, it's fine" I think he's telling himself that more than he's telling me.

"Her engagement ring has a tracker" he tells me but that doesn't make me feel any better. I let her down, I should've run after her I should've gone out the door first, I let her go it's my fault.

"It's my fault"

"Don't say that grey" Matt says as he jogs up to us. He's got tears in his eyes but he's holding it together. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I know who it is. My big brother.

I turn around and he engulfs me in a hug. My blood soaks his shirt and he squeezes me tighter.

I'm pathetic, I should be doing something but I can't, I just want hunter and I want to feel safe, this is too much, she's gone and I was supposed to protect her. I should still be running but instead I'm in my brothers arms. I'm a kid. I'm 18 and I feel like I've got the life experience of a 70 year old. I don't want to do this any more. I need to find her.

"Grey?" Elliot says as I feel myself slump in hunters hold.

My eyes are closing and I feel faint.

"He's going, we need to get him too a doctor"

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