11 · 十一

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• Born Victors •

• Born Victors •

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Lunar New Year arrives, and Nick and I leave Hogwarts for a few days with signed permission slips.

As our usual tradition, Mum brings the two of us to the busy streets of Beijing, in Mainland China. Parades with dragon and lion dances fill the red-illuminated streets. Fireworks that can deafen anyone blasts freely in the air.

Lunar New Year is a time for people to feast with their respective families. However, most of mine are scattered all across the world. Astrid's visiting her parents along with her own older siblings in Shanghai, Ah Ma never leaves Tyersall Park Estate, and the man I still generously call "Father" hasn't come to a single family dinner in years.

In fact, he hasn't come home in quite a few years. Nick occasionally travels to Australia to visit him—perhaps that's why he's Father's "more preferred child"—although I never accompany him with his visits. If a Father truly wishes to see his children, then he should be the one to willingly visit us, not the other way around.

We dress modestly in the hue of red as we roam through the busy streets at night. Children runs back and forth through the streets, holding half-eaten Chinese treats in one hand and red packets in the other. I silently cackle in my mind, knowing I'd end up with a dozen mountains of red packets by the end of the 15th day of Lunar New Year.

The three of us settle down at a table in a very crowded restaurant. We order our food, and soon enough, fresh and hot traditional dishes—from dumplings to spring rolls to rice cakes—were presented on our table. Nick and I instantly dive into our food, nearly forgetting our manners.

As we devour the delicious food that we've ordered too much of, Mum starts off her usual speech about the secrets of power and success.

I eagerly listen to her with my full focus, while not stopping my chewing. Nick also locks his attention on her with respect, although he's never been as nearly interested with Mum's talks as I am.

I didn't come out of the womb with extensive knowledge of success and the reality of the world. Whatever I do know, it was drilled into me by Mum since I could barely walk. While other children drifted off to sleep by listening to fairytale books their parents read them, I used to spend my nights listening to the books about power and success Mum would read me.

The books would consist of Money, Politics, and Power, which also represents the three—used to be four—main clans of China. The other two clans as of now, have both united their bloodlines through the Young Clan, making all three clans "one big happy family".

The Young Clan has had power and influence over the economy of the Wizarding and the Muggle world for several centuries. We represent Money.

To end our night, we lay on the lush green grass and enjoy the nation-famous firework performance in the sky.

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