16 · 十六

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I head through the Library, my D.A.D.A homework and the Teacher's Edition disguised as a regular textbook in my arms. Lockhart has taught us close to nothing, and I will not study hard for a class if the Professor himself is not willing to teach. I approach the study table where Astrid sits in, who seems to be tutoring a Hufflepuff boy next to her. The said boy had his eyes solely focused on her and not on what she was teaching to him, with a tranquil smile dancing on his lips.

Astrid looks up to me and displays her effortlessly ethereal smile, to which the boy spreads his own smile wider at the sight. I drop my books on the table with a thud, which causes the boy to escape out of his trance.

"Cedric Diggory." He stands up with a charming smile and extends his hand out for a handshake across the table. He seems to have guessed that I must be a relative of Astrid's. "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Celestia Young, delighted." I smile and nod, shaking his hand. My memory suddenly clicks into place. "Oh, I know you."

We take our seats. "You do?"

"Yes. You're the infamous Hufflepuff who holds his wand as one would a pistol." I chuckle in amusement.

"Do I now?" He cheerfully laughs. "That's the first I've heard." He then checks his pocket watch and stands up. "Pardon me for my rude exit, however Professor Kettleburn is expecting me." He gently places his hand on Astrid's shoulder, making her look up at him. "See you around." He nods up to me in acknowledgement and heads out.

"So, a Diggory?" I smirk at her flustered state. "Your father will be pleased."

"We're just friends as of the moment." She calmly replies, though her sweet smile holds as much hope as Blaise has for his Quidditch skills.

Astrid's mother, my Auntie Felicity, was born a Young. She married the Heir of the Leong Clan, another one of the three main clans of China. Astrid's father is the current Chinese Minister of Magic. The Leongs are a reigning family of aristocrats, a dynasty that has been ruling the Chinese Wizarding World for centuries. Of Money, Politics, and Power, they represent Politics.

Diggory's father is a dear friend of Uncle Harriston Leong's, having met each other through Ministry relations. Unlike the Young Clan, which tends to marry off their children to eminent Heirs across the lands and oceans for status-climbing, the Leong Clan prefers to keep their marriage strictly with families associated with politics and law. Both still values pure-blood marriage very much.

"TIAAAAA!!!!" A roar echoes throughout the entire Library, making students turn their heads. I pinch my nose bridge and groan. Draco storms through the Library until he spots me. Like last year, I am found with Astrid.

"What," I sharply say and look up at him with a glare. He was fuming, and falters a bit under my intense stare. Regardless, he pulls out the seat next to me and frustratedly plops down, with his arms crossed. He glances to Astrid, contemplating whether he should speak in front of my company or not.

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