29 · 二十九

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•No Such Challenge That I Cannot Overcome•

•No Such Challenge That I Cannot Overcome•

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"WHAT?!" The entire hall stops talking and just stares at Draco. "What are you lot looking at!" They all resume back to their own chats. "What?!" He whisper-shouts at me with widened eyes.

"You heard me," I say. "Now where is he?"

"The common room—" He doesn't even finish his words before I start heading my way to the dungeons, with him close behind. "But you're sure? You're positive?"

"Why would I ever state something so random and not mean it?"

"Damn, well this might just be one of the happiest moments of my life. I'd give anything to tell first-year me that Tia would finally give into joining the Quidditch team." He lowers his voice to say, " Also, what are we doing for the revenge plan for female Weasley? Shall we pull something similar to what we did to Scabbers in the previous year?"

"This is the revenge plan."

He furrows his eyebrows. "Wait, what's the revenge plan? I'm so confused."

I roll my eyes. "I'm joining the Quidditch team to make her jealous. I had overheard a few weeks ago that Quidditch is female Weasley's favorite thing in the world, so what better than to do the one thing she loves that she cannot do?"

"Alright, we shall add that to the list. What else?"

"That's it."

"That's... what's it, exactly?"

I halt in my steps and turn to him. "Are you deaf? I said that's all we're doing. Or, what I'm doing."

He quite literally gasps and leans in a bit closer, whispering, "Did you bump your head too hard? No—I mean this with all my heart—but do we need to get you back to the infirmary? Because with all due the most respect, Celestia Young would never let go of a revenge plan and settle for something simpler."

"Well, what if Celestia Young wants to be generous and philanthropical for once?" I ask, feeling a mild sense of irritation boiling up. I know Draco means no harm, but sometimes I can't control my emotions and just let it all be naked in my voice. "What if Celestia Young wants to do something different than what she's used to doing? Need I remind you—Celestia Young had just survived a quaffle to the face, and I'm incredibly sure that there has been permanent, unchangeable trauma in her brain." I start walking again and I mutter my last words out of pettiness, "And Celestia Young wishes for you to never again address her as if she's just a mannequin that can never evolve nor mature."

He sighs, still keeping close behind me. "C'mon, you know I did not mean it that way."

"I know, I know, I was only joking. Half-joking. Don't do that again, though. Now take me to the Slytherin Captain, Marcus Flint."

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