23 · 二十三

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• Heroine •

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Vince's Bar Mitzvah is held in his great-grandparents' beautiful mansion in Tel Aviv, Israel. The scenery paints a gorgeous sunset as the landscape, a multi-million mansion on the hills as the setting, every respected Middle East Pure-blood family as the highlights of this painting, and the rest of the Purebloods from all over the world blending into the scene.

Vince's grandmother married into the Crabbe family, making him their second generation British-born Jewish Pureblood. His parents were a bit more lenient on trying to belong and maintain their status in the British Pureblood society, so he was never really taught any traditions of his family's culture.

We all take turns to give Vince firm encouragement because in a few minutes he will have to make his speech in Hebrew in front of hundreds of people. He didn't prepare at all.

Draco and Greg take turns violently patting his back and lightly slapping his face to get him out of his nervousness. Daphne and Blaise were busy trying to distract him, telling him how pretty Millicent Bulstrode looked and how she was giving him flirty looks. That calmed him down more than Draco and Greg did.

I just look out to the city lights as I sip my mocktail. The others didn't know it yet but I had helped Vince cast a quick and efficient memorization spell so at least his memory is saved. His pronunciation is far beyond saving.

When Vince speaks into his wand in the center of the gardens, he did not stutter a single word. But neither the non-Hebrew speakers nor the native Hebrew speakers could understand him. The five of us had to squeeze each others' hands and arms to refrain each other from laughing out loud from the way he was enunciating every word worse than a three-year-old.

When his speech ended, he could not look more proud of himself. The five of us clapped louder than the other guests, who all were most definitely applauding out of courtesy. His father's face was red from chortling and his mother had a hand on her forehead, shaking her head.

Blaise taps my shoulder and pointed to the direction of the group of British Purebloods. Bulstrode had a flushed face and was batting her eyes at Vince who passed by her to us. In a matter of seconds: Vince winks at her, she giggles and backs up, bumps against an old Arabic man, accidentally spits her drink on him, the man yells, spits on her too, and she falls into a fountain. Vince rushes over to pull her out. He calls for Draco and Greg, who both is forced to rush over to help from the stares that they were getting.

Blaise bends over and puts his hands on his knees, shoulders shaking as he laughs. If not for the chatters of the guests, Vince's entire neighborhood would mistake him for the roars of a bear's.

"I can't- I can't do this anymore. I need new lungs," he chokes out in-between laughs. "My stomach feels like it's being stabbed." He crouches down and continue laughing directly to the ground.

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