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Autumn and I were hanging out in the cafeteria waiting on Raven. Due to her absence she's been caught up in a lot of things lately, something about the pack, and now was trying to catch up on her latest assignments. Autumn excused herself to the bathroom for a bit, while I sat there browsing my phone. Minutes passed when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a good looking guy standing behind me. He was tall but not taller than her. He was smiling and glancing behind him. There was a table of guys looking our way. I rolled my eyes internally, not this shit again. "Why's a pretty girl like you sitting on your own?" He sat down next to me, invading my space.

"Just waiting for my friends." I gave him a small smile and went back to my phone. I wanted him to get the hint and leave me alone. "You wouldn't mind some company while you wait, " he replied, moving closer. He went to place hand somewhere that's a no no. I grabbed his wrist and pushed it away. "Don't do that." My statement seemed to exit the next ear as he proceeded to ask for my number, touching me again. I replied that I was already in a relationship, however he just seemed to be amused by the answer.

"I don't see him around sweetheart". "Maybe not but I'll tell you this, I'm loyal not the other way around." I smiled movingly. "Oh, come on baby girl he doesn't have to know" he said grabbing my arm.

I pulled away and slapped him across the face. Fortunately for him I held back my strength. I think I would have broken his neck. " Take that as final warning, and like I said I'm loyal to my woman." I smiled as he held his face in shock. The table of guys burst into laughter and I turned my attention to them glaring. They shut their traps quickly as they opened them, and I walked out of there. mic drop.


I stayed in class to take up some extra notes. These finals are going to be brutal. Lunch was almost over and some students had already started to head to their last classes. I passed a guy holding his face, his hand hiding a red mark. What happened to him?

"Rav took you long enough," Autumn scoffed. "Yeah, yeah sorry about that" I chuckled. "Well sorry too late, Grace went to her class, she'll catch us at the pack run later" she whispered. Oh yeah, tonight is when dads stepping down, the week flew by so quickly.

I'm quite nervous about this whole thing, no lie. But I'm ready, I've been preparing for this, well halfway. " Alright then see you later tonight." I fist bumped her. " later tonight". 

The bell rang for school to be let out. I let out a sigh of relief as I picked up my bag and ran for my car. I was so tired, and stressed I couldn't even express it. I unlocked my car door and was about to sit when my name was called. That sweet voice I love dearly. I smiled as she came to me wrapping her arms around my waist. I kissed the top of her head as she held it in my chest. "Sorry I missed you at lunch baby." I muttered trying to see her beautiful face, those gorgeous eyes. "I know." She raised her head for me to see her, with her cute smile. I planted a kiss on her nose and then her lips. She giggled and kissed me back. "Okay love birds get a room." We stopped and saw Autumn standing on the other side of my car with a brow raised.

"Don't worry best friend, Riley is waiting for you." She scoffed, rolling her eyes getting inside. I kissed my love's lips one more time before letting her go to get inside. I got inside as well and drove Autumn home. Grace wanted to stay with me until tonight's event. I parked my car, grabbing my bag and her's, heading inside. "Baby are you okay, you look exhausted." I nodded, dropping both our bags in the corner of the room.

Turning to my bathroom I went to take a shower. I came out shortly after, a pair of eyes staring back at me. "What?" I titled my head confused. "You may need another shower soon." She leaned back biting her lip, I knew that look very well by now. "Grace." Before I could finish my protest, she yanked me into her small stature causing both of us to fall onto my bed. "You were saying?" I sighed, resting my face into her neck. "I'm tired," I mumbled. In response her cold soft hands combed through my scalp. I purred in satisfaction of the feeling, I even pushed us up so we were fully in the bed for her to continue. The cute giggles she made as I snuck in a couple of kisses to her neck brough pure joy to my little heart.

The time went by and I was at the packhouse with Grace, we were going ran alongside them Emma and Jordon to. Everyone else was already in there wolf forms that left me to shift. 'Are you guys ready' my father said through the link and we all replied. With no objections father howled at the now clear sky with the full moon in full view. The pack ran into the forest happy as can be, zig zagging between trees and leaping over logs and arched branches. They split into two groups, my mom leading the next I went with her and Emma went with dad.


Father, my mate and I split off from mom and Raven, we ran further away from them than expected. Too far in fact. I had the sense that we were being followed, but not by members of the pack or mine. "Is everyone alright?" Out of nowhere dad got tackled to the side by an unknown wolf.

Jordon went to help him while I called for my pack. 'Emma watch out!' Jordon shouted through our link, another wolf bull rushed me. The impact hit me into a tree sending me into a daze. Jordon came to my aid chasing it off but not too far. I stumbled to my feet and looked for dad. His scent was quite far for some reason. 'Dad are you okay?! Where are you?' I linked and got a response. I linked Raven letting her know what was happening.

In the distance I saw him and figured I growled getting closer and it quickly disappeared."Dad!" I shouted shifting back running to his side, his fur was coated in blood and he wasn't responding. I shook him more but nothing. 

"No,no,no. Dad please, wake up, don't do this to me." I felt around for a pulse but there wasn't anything to indicate that he was alive. No signs of breathing, nothing. 'Emma what's going on mom's freaking out, where's dad !?' she questioned frantically. My bottom lip started to quiver while tears started to swell up in my eyes. 'Emma you guys there, we're almost there. Where's dad?' she questioned again.

"He's gone. Dad's...dead".


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