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Raven sat in her office, behind her computer screen and a pile of papers. She was busy doing something in regards to the pack. Her ebony hair resting on her shoulders, a pen to her lip as she stared at her screen. She sighed, rubbing her face in frustration, her attention soon came from the load of work in front of her to the sound of the office door opening.

Grace wobbled inside, with Raven’s former highschool jacket on and shorts. “What are you doing out of bed honey?” Raven got up meeting her halfway. She grumbled laying her head into her chest. Her partner comed her fingers through her snowy hair gently for a moment. Without any other words exchanged she took Grace up into her arms and walked back to their room.

She laid her on the mattress. Rubbing her stomach as she did. “I told you if you need anything baby, just call for me. Your mom said don’t leave bed…” she whispered to her. “Isn’t it also good to exercise before time to get this kid out of me?” Grace shot back, getting a chuckle from Raven. “I see babe, but what do you need? I do have work that needs to be finished” she sighed. 

“If it’s about the pack, then give it a rest. Wait until Autumn gets back from the hunt with the others.” Grace had reason to worry about her partner overworking herself, however, she’s also fed up of waiting for her to be done with everything. “I can’t..” , “Please…” she whined. Raven sighed, scanning her partner's jewel eyes and couldn’t deny her more. 

She got in bed beside her. Grace smiled and snuggled up to her neck, letting out a satisfied sigh. Laying off in bed had Raven thinking. Thinking heavily about her future from now on. With a child on the way she couldn’t help but be excited, nevertheless, her mother and mother-in-law gave her and Grace a run down of parenthood. That didn’t detour her though. She turned, stroking her mate's hair, placing a kiss on top of her head. “Do you still have names in mind?” she muttered, closing her eyes. Grace hummed, pushing away from her neck. “I had a lot in mind… but then I don’t know.” she whispered back. “Would you be against it if I named our kid after a season?” she chuckled. “Isn’t Autumn named after a season?” Grace rolled her eyes.”True.. But you don’t see many kids owning the name Winter.”

“Winter?”, “Yeah, your white hair would be a perfect excuse for it.” Grace giggled, playfully hitting her mate’s shoulder. “Why would you assume they’ll automatically have my hair?” Raven just shrugged and smiled, “but seriously can I?” “When hell freezes over. Any others?” She thought about it more and suggested a few more until they were on the topic of male names. “Would you mind naming our son after your dad?” Grace whispered. Raven grew silent and that made her backtrack.

“Dad would be honored babe. Don’t second guess yourself like that.” She grinned filled with joy, kissing her partner deeply. Grace giggled, kissing her back, pulling away to take in a few breaths. “I love you baby” she whispered, pressing their foreheads together. 

“I love you too.”


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