Chapter 2

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"Victoria I think it's her" I looked at her with the widest eyes.

"Are you sure cause my baby could be anyone, we don't know anything without proof"

I knew she was right there is a very high possibility Fearia is not my daughter. Even though she has the same name and age that our long lost daughter has, it might not be her.

I looked at my wife Victoria the queen "I want a DNA test. If it's her or not we will know for sure"

"And what if it is her what are we going to tell her?"

That was a dumb question "the truth, what else"

"What is the truth, cause your truth and my truth are very different stories" I knew she was right what happened 18 years ago was terrible. I was married to a different women at the time and Victoria was my mistress to say the least. Apparently my wife couldn't bare children but I didn't know that at the time. So any women I had an affair with I made sure they would always take a plan b after we did it. Maybe I was a little aggressive about it but I didn't want to have a bastard child.

When my wife passed away due to cancer. I got married to Victoria a year later. She had then told me that she had a daughter. My daughter.

Victoria was too scared to tell me at the time so she had given the baby up for adoption. She was scared I would make her get rid of it. Which I probably would have. So instead she went off the grid had the child and gave it up for adoption.

She didn't know about the powers that the girls inherited so she thought it would be fine. She wanted her daughter to have an amazing life with an amazing family that loved and cared for her.

When I heard that I had a daughter I lashed out on her. My only child, my eldest child was out there somewhere without my protection and even worse she was a girl.

The first girl sense hundreds of years ago.

"I wasn't a good man back then I get it but it's time to make things right and if it is her I hope see understands"

"Why do you even think it's her she doesn't have powers and she's 18 that's not normal" I knew she had major doubt I do too but something about her just screams to me.

I had recognized Chase the minute when he walked in to the castle he didn't do a great job at his disguise. On the other hand it took me a few days to figure out who she was.

When I found out she was Fearia Jones and had been adopted around the time my daughter would have. She had the same birth name Victoria had given her. She also had the same birth date. I started putting the pieces together. I just needed to figure out if I was right or not.

"If it's not her then so be it. I just have to know for my sanity" I looked at my wife who was sitting next to me, she knew there was no stopping me.

I already had one of my guards take a sample of Fearia's saliva to test. We were just waiting for the results it was going to take a few days.

I woke up to a massive bang coming from the other wing of the castle. I looked out my window to see 5 helicopters hovering over the east wing of the castle where the dungeons were.

I could hear all my guards running down the hall to the scene.

It was like a bomb went off, there was smoke all throughout the air. I could here sirens from a distance. My men were working tirelessly to get it everything under control.

I ran out my cambers and to the scene. Men everywhere trying to put out fire and get rid of the smoke.

Paramedics were carrying victims out to safety. Once I got closer to the east wing the smoke got worse and worse. I saw people laying helplessly trying to get out.

I helped as much as a 60 year old can. But I needed to know if Fearia was ok. I couldn't wait any longer till I found one of my generals who as helping carrying victims out come over to me.

I ran over to him before he said "my grace, I need to tell you something" he looked at my with a saddened expression.

"Wha... what is" I tired to speak only thinking of the worst.

"Both Chase Ortiz and Fearia Jones are nowhere to be found"

My eyes widened "Well look harder they couldn't have gone far" I couldn't lose her not when I was so close to finding my daughter after all these years.

"Sir my troops have searched everywhere they are nowhere" he looked down to his feet then back up "I believe Oryn was responsible for the explosion"

"Well of course they fucking were we were holding her son captive" I couldn't with the stupidity sometimes it was like common sense we had something they wanted so they took it "I want 300 men looking for those two right now. They might not have taken them yet we don't know."

I need to at least try "of course your grace I will get on it" he immediately turned away walking to his troops.

When I heard a knock on my office door I immediately stopped what I was doing.

Neither Chase or Fearia were found after the night of the explosion and it's been two days. And I still had no answers.

"Come in" I said to whoever was behind the door.

"Your grace I have the results from that DNA test you wanted"

This is what I've been waiting for. I needed to know. He handed me a envelope sitting it on my desk "thank you so much" I said. He then left my office and shut the door behind him.

This is what I've been waiting for if it is her I'm going to be so fucking mad. I had her then I lost her within a day. She was almost mine.

I opened the envelope only to see the test results came out positive. I was her father. She was my daughter. If only I knew where she was.

Fearia is the fucking heir but she doesn't even know it I wonder if she will get powers or not and why she hasn't gotten them yet. Ooooo what could her powers be? I'm sorry to say it y'all but say good bye to Victor and Zemira for a bit. He will come back later but it's time for the spicy shit.

1153 words

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