Chapter 3

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I woke up to my ears ringing I only could see smoke and fire everywhere. My body coated with ashes, body shaking from the impact. I could hear screams from a distance.

Someone had blew up the dungeon. My cell had a massive hole in the wall leading to a court yard. Instinctively I ran. Not thinking I just ran I wanted out.

This mission was a mistake we should have never came it only took a week for our cover to be blow now this.

Coppers circled the top of the castle they looked like the ones we had back home. I could only see in blurs so how would I know. I could see people rushing everywhere I didn't know where to go.

I couldn't stay here and if I left I would have no money, no phone, no nothing. So I ran anyway. I ran as far as I could away through fields surrounding the castle and eventually to the city. Maybe someone could help me.

I looked like shit right now. I looked like I had just rolled around in mud like a pig but that didn't stop me. Eventually I found a bar maybe someone was sober enough to let me use their phone.

I ran into the bar all eyes were on me the girl covered in ashes in mud. Like anyone was gonna give me their phone. Before I could even go over to the bar to ask for help a man stopped me.

"Hey watcha doing beautiful" yeah right I was fucking filthily "can I help you? You look lost"

"Yes do you have a phone by chance" even though this man was a creep I could use his phone, a phone is a phone after all.

"Sure but it will cost you" he said with a smirk on his lips I swear men are so fucking horny.

This man was pissing me off but I needed help so I asked "What will it cost me"

"Let me buy you a drink" ok that wasn't that bad it's just a drink. I think regardless I needed a drink anyway so might as well get one for free.

I nodded in approval before he walked me over to the bar and we sat down "what do you want" he asked.

"A margarita"

"Can I get one margarita and one old fashioned" he told the bartender.

We were just talking when the bartender was done with our drinks he handed them to us after I finished mine I could barely think straight.

It was only one margarita how could this effect me so much. I'm not a light weight.

When he handed me his phone I could barely see anything. Then all I saw was black.

When I woke up my head was spinning. It felt like a semi truck ran me over then reversed and did it again.

I couldn't tell where I was almost like I was back at the castle again. Maybe he knew who I was and got money for returning me.

Oh fuck my life it just keeps getting worse.

When the door opened I jumped. I swear if the king walked through that door I was gonna strangle myself.

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