Chapter 4

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It all started hitting me. I've only heard stories of what happens to the girls in Asterin but none of them were good. Not many things scare me but the thought of having my body taken advantage of terrifies me.

All the girls looked at me with the saddest and most defeated expressions I've seen. It was like their souls have just been beat the shit out of. I didn't want to be here I don't think any of us wanted to be here.

"Good night girls I will see you all tomorrow morning" the boss guy said. I still didn't know his name nor did he even know my name. He walked out and I heard the door lock. We were stuck in here great.

"Hey guys" I said trying to get a response from anyone.

One of the girls spoke up after a moment of awkward silence and me just standing there not knowing what to do with myself.

"You can take that bed over there all the other ones are taken." She pointed over to the bed in the corner.

I started to make my way over there "so what's your name" another girl spoke.

"My name is Fearia, what is this place by the way"

The room went silent when I asked that they were avoiding the question.

"Do you really want to know?"

"She will just find out eventually"

"They are just going to break her in tomorrow anyway"

"Wait how did they get you?" One girl from the back spoke up.

"Um the guy named James drugged me and kidnapped me and now I'm here. I was in Zemira when that happened" I didn't know what else to say. I wasn't going to tell them that I was almost blown up the other night.

"I fucking hate James he's an asshole"

"Wait I have to ask are you a virgin"

That's an odd question I don't know why it would matter but ok. "Yeah I'm a virgin why?"

"Do they know that"

Why would I need to tell them that, thats personal and why would that ever effect anything "no they don't why do they need to know? They don't even know my name"

They all looked at each other as if they were talking telepathically. "You should definitely tell them that they won't hurt you" what do you mean hurt me?

"What's going to happen to me be straight up" I said I just wanted answers I needed to know what was going to happen.

"Sense you are a virgin most likely they are going to try to sell you if they see you as good enough, which they probably will. You technically don't have to be a virgin to be sold but they make more money so they prefer to sell virgins."

I could not speak. She said they were going to sell me  what? That's not ok, to who, to a man? "Wait sold? To who?"

"To a man" that was definitely a dumb question "you should probably get some sleep it's 12:00 am" one of the girls said.

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