Chapter 10

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I got a call from Luke around 10 am and he had told me that Fearia had started a fight today. We don't often have many fights break out between the girls cause they are usually scared of what we would do to them after. I told Luke to just keep her in her room and not let her out only to shower. I was planning to talk to her about what happened when I got back in a few days. Then I got another call from Luke around 3 pm telling me Fearia had escaped and they didn't know where she was.

I dropped everything I was doing and decided to go home early. That's one thing that worried me the most is not knowing where she was. I could deal with her picking some fights but if she was gone it was way more important to find her.
They said she had escaped into the woods which was even more terrifying because there were packs of wolves that lived out there that would eat her alive if they had the chance.

I sent out search parties to find her. After hours of searching I finally got a call around 11pm telling me they had found her. I could finally breathe and know she was safe. But I was furious, I've never met a girl who has done this before. Literally disobeying every order I've given her. We have had many prisoners escape into the woods but never any girls. They are normally remotely tame. But she wasn't whatsoever.

When my men came back with her I was waiting by the castle doors near the back of the castle. She was on the quad and I could tell she was broken down. She looked exhausted and as she should be most men don't even last it that long in those woods.

When my men got her off the quad I grabbed her by the arm which was covered in blood and proceeded to pull her into the castle. I wasn't going to punish her right away for all the shit she's done.

She was severely beaten up and bruised. I looked down at her leggings she was wearing which had blood stains and claw marks on one of her legs. Her face was covered in dirt and sweat. Then there were her arms that were coated in blood and dirt but it didn't look like there were any wounds on them.

She didn't put up a fight when I was pulling her, but just complied. That fire that is usually in her eyes was no longer there. When we got into the castle I brought her to the showers which no one was in cause it was about 11:30 at night and everyone was sleeping.

She didn't speak or anything but just looked at me with the most discouraged eyes. "Strip" I demanded I needed her to clean herself up right now she looked like absolute shit. But she just ignored me and stared at the ground. "Fearia. Strip. Now." I told her in a more aggressive tone. She just continued to ignore me and say nothing.
I took matters into my own hands and grabbed her shirt she was wearing and pulled it off her body. She didn't fight or anything but just allowed me to do what I needed to. I threw her shirt off to the side and then again pulled the ripped up leggings she was wearing off of her.

As I pulled them off she hissed in pain. When I removed her leggings it revealed her bloody leg. There were claw marks all up the entire part of her lower leg. She was attacked by something and worry floods me knowing that she had to fight off the animal. She could have died today but somehow she survived.

I turned her around abruptly and removed her bra and underwear. She was completely naked. There was no doubt she was fucking gorgeous. Her body was so perfect she was slim but she still had curves that would make any guy go crazy.
Her eyes were even more beautiful; they are green and always had this bright glow to them. She has long brown hair that always was just perfect and flowed so effortlessly around her face. She is just utterly gorgeous even though she was filthy covered in blood and dirt you can still see her beauty shine through.

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