Chapter 2: Meeting the other Guardians

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Summer followed him and flew beside him, she felt saddened and bad for Jack. She hated seeing him this sad and wanted to help; make him happy that is what she is supposed to do as a summer spirit that is what she has always been doing for years but this was a very difficult task since it was her opposite and not something as easy.

"There must be something I'm doing wrong," He talks to himself ignoring summer there.

"No Jack, come on... you have a purpose." She told him.

Ignoring her he looked up at the moon holding his staff as Cecilia kept airborne beside him.

"You put me here, the least you can do is tell me," He lowered his tone in sadness "tell me why?"

Mim said nothing he didn't say anything knowing Jack and summer would find out sooner or later, he looked down in sadness going to a PowerLine later freezing it with his staff, both summer and Jack looked at the stream of sand fly by them, turning around the two grinned.

"Right on time Sandman." Both said in unison.

Both of them headed to the stream touching it for Jack his dream was dolphins, for Summer it was snowflakes, then a sudden blur made Jack curious enough to follow it.

Bunnymund was around as it was the plan of theirs, to begin with, she disappeared as Jack tried to find summer feeling alone not liking that.

"Summer?" He asked looking around.

"Hello mate, been a long time. Blizzard of '68 I believe." Bunny said twirling his staff as Summer was beside him also holding that grudge against Jack.

Coming out of the shadows the two showed.

"Easter Sunday, wasn't it?"

"Bunny, summer! You two aren't still mad at me for your seasons are you?"

Leaning in further the both of them said "yes."

But Bunny hit his boomerang on his paw glancing down "but this is something else."

Summer then told the yeti's "fellas."

Grabbing him walls down (guard down) Summer hated to do this to her opposite but what other way was Bunny and she was to get Jack? Shoving him in the sack the yeti's threw a snow globe to the north pole asking if they're coming.

"Us? Ha not on your nelly, see you back at the pole."

Bunny thumped his foot on the ground as both he and summer went down it back at the pole to meet them there, leaning against bunny Jack had just opened part of the sack.

"There he is! Jack Frost." North said excitedly.

"You got to be kidding me." He muttered.

After picking him up North continued.

"I hope the Yeti's treated you nicely."

Jack while picking up his staff spoke sarcastically "Oh yeah, I loved being shoved in a sack and tossed through a magic portal."

Ignoring his sarcasm North talked "good, that was my idea," He gestures to bunny and summer "you know bunny and summer obviously."

The two just nod at him not really caring.

"Obviously," Jack replied.

"And the tooth fairy."

Tooth introduced herself as she checked his teeth happily saying that they were sparkly shiny white snow, that was until Jack wanted to know why he was here.

"Hey, ho can anyone tell me why I'm here?"

Summer facepalmed as Sandy made signs on top of his head unable to speak.

"Thanks, little man," Jack said unable to read his signs.

Walking around he waved his staff and froze one of the elves "I must have done something really bad to get you five together, am I on the naughty list?" He asked turning to face them.

"Ha! On naughty list? You hold record but we've looked at it, for you are guardian!" North shouted.

Fanfare of the elves started streamers popped out as North spoke.

"This is the best part!"

He stomped his feet as Summer saw he got angry holding the staff and stabbing it on the ground making everyone fall or get cold.

"Tried to warn you." Summer said knowing Jack more than anyone.

"What makes you think I want to be a guardian?" He asked looking at them as if they were kidding about making him, guardian.

North laughed as though Jack was joking asking this question then stopped "of course you do," He then said to the elves "music!"

Holding out both his hands Jack told them "no music!"

The fanfare stopped again.

"Look this all flattering, but you don't want me, you all are hard work and deadlines and I am... snowballs and fun times, I'm not a guardian."

"Ha, that's exactly what I said," Bunny commented.

Tooth flew over to Jack as she explained to him with Summers help.

"Jack I don't think you understand what it is we do." Tooth told him, seeing Summer come on his other side the warmth following her around.

"Each of those lights is a child." Summer said as North came.

"A child who believes. And good or bad, naughty or nice we protect them."

It suddenly got quiet when summer sighed shaking her head playfully telling to Tooth "Tooth fingers out of mouth."

"Oh, sorry they're beautiful." She said and flew off.

"Okay, no more wishy-washy. Pitch is out there doing who knows what!" North told them.

"you-you mean the boogeyman?" Jack asked.

"Yes! When Pitch threatens us," North replied gesturing his hand to the globe that has lights on them "He threatens them as well."

Jack turned away waving his hand at them "all the more reason to pick someone more qualified."

"Pick? You think we picked you?!?" Summer asked then continued "no, you were chosen! Like we were all chosen." Still looking at him she held up her arm to Manny "by Man in moon."

This changed as he suddenly turned to look at the guardians "what?"

Tooth told Jack "last night, jack he chose you."

"Maybe," Bunny said.

Suddenly curiosity got the better of him as he looked up when he spoke it was thought he was talking to himself "man in the moon... he talks to you?" Jack then turned to face them as he asked that to them.

Summer said softly "see you cannot say no. It is destiny."

Turning to face the moon he asked mostly to himself but more to the guardians "but why wouldn't he tell me that himself?"

Jack didn't know why he was chosen, why Man in moon didn't say anything or that Summer didn't even bother telling him, this was something very strange indeed. He still had loads of questions thinking to himself about all this taking it all in the best he could.

To be continued...

I've Always Believed: Two Opposite Seasons One Destiny [ #RiseOfTheGuardians ]Where stories live. Discover now