Chapter 5: Jamie Meets the Guardians

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You'll freeze under there,

I know, but he's my best friend,

Back to reality:

Summer heard Jack call her name multiple times as she was out of it for a while. She looked up at him then down.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked, scared for her now. She was acting really weird.

"Yeah, I—I guess so." She muttered and flew off to finish the job, not knowing what just happened, that her mind got distracted.

Summer was alone in a house as another attack had her fall on the floor holding the tooth she collected.

Did you get him?

No, no, I couldn't I—it was too late,

No, no he has to be down there,

I'm sorry.

Back to reality:

Cecilia was then looking at the sink in the open bathroom door where water was at, she shook her head and flew out the window to seeing bunny slip down the roof cause of Jack.

"Yes!" He said having Bunnys' tooth until Sandy came and took it. "No!"

Summer was with bunny when he lit up the chimney as bunnymund was going to get payback for taking the teeth, suddenly her mind was attacking her again

You can't have fun all the time jack,

Jack get down from there,

Jack... I--I want to tell you something...

Bunny called out to her as though she was about to faint he was worried about her.

"You okay mate?"

"I--I don't know, I just suddenly keep hearing these overlapping voices, I don't know why..."

He heard every word and wondered what is going on with her, as they met up with Jack he was with tooth fairy seeing they arrived at Jamie's bed.

"It's a lot different up close."

Suddenly the last attack came as she fell on the floor concerning Jack who shook her to snap out of it.

"Summer, summer! Wake up!"

Lost in her mind it drowned out his voice.


A loud gasp startled the two of them wondering what happened, she looked at Jack who was confused.

"You--you" Summer's voice trailed off as it all made sense the overlapping voices she kept hearing was the memories of her past. Her heart started to drop as now she starts to remember why it's happening.

"It was cause I had a broken heart." She muttered quietly to herself.

Tooth and Jack exchanged confused looks wondering what is she talking about, as North came through the window with the rest.

"There you are,"

All three of them shush him pointing to Jamie sleeping summer saw them all coming in then heard Jamie stir a bit hearing voices.

"Oh," North said in a whisper "What gives, slowpokes?" He asked the three guardians. "How you feeling toothy."

Tooth flew over to North whispering happily "believed in."

North laughed then replied "That's what I want to hear." but Summers' out of character got North suspicious knowing that's not summer at all as she is always cheery and excited ever since his knowledge of knowing her. "What of her?"

Jack looked over to summer who looked down knelt on her knees thinking to herself of the memories that are finally coming back.

"Don't know, it's happened twice already," Jack whispered worriedly about her.

Bunny popped out of his hole looking at everyone his eyes sneered. "I see how it is. All working together" He jumped out of it standing tall now "to make sure the rabbit gets the last place."

Jack came up talking to him "you think I need help to beat a bunny?" He then looks behind him as he pulls out his bag of choppers "check it out Peter Cottontail." Jack whispered showing it to him.

Surprisingly it made Summer giggle a bit as she flew beside Jack standing on her feet "and mine as well."

"Gentlemen, gentlemen," North said to the two then for Summer "Lady, this is about Tooth it's not a competition, but if it was." He slammed his big red bag of choppers on the ground "I win!"

As North yelled in happiness it woke up Jamie as the flashlight was on the five guardians except for Jack he looked surprised seeing Sandy, the tooth fairy, North, Bunny, and his own sister that's a guardian.

"Summer... you came!" He said excitedly happy to see his cousin "are these your friends?" He asked.

"Yeah, they are."

Jack looked happy asking "He sees us?"

Bunny replied looking over to Jack who in Jamie's view wasn't visible "well most of us."

Jack glanced down unhappy about this, Jamie didn't believe in him sadly that's when tooth remembered that he was still awake.

"Sandy knock him out," Bunny said.

Sandy was punching his fist on his other hand until summer rolled her eyes as that's not what he meant, she then said: "with the dream sand!"

That was until their dog Abby had woken up bunny stood face to face with it as she growled at him.

"Don't worry," He told his guardian friends "I got this."

Jack then knew and pointed to Abby first "but that's a greyhound, do you know what greyhounds do to rabbits?" He then lifted his finger towards Bunny at that.

It was then he began to brag boring Summer and Jack as she hit the alarm on purpose making it go chase Bunny, Sandy had his dream sand ready knocking out Tooth first who fell asleep then Bunny after that Abby fell asleep, then North joined in

"Candy canes." Was the last he said before dropping down on the bed.

Jamie flew into Sandy who caught him as he put him to sleep Jack got down laughing quietly.

"I really wish I had a camera right now."

Sandy looked towards him then noticed pitches nightmare spying as it ran off.

"Sandy, Summer! Come on we can find Pitch." Jack said while flying off into the night to catch it.

I've Always Believed: Two Opposite Seasons One Destiny [ #RiseOfTheGuardians ]Where stories live. Discover now