Chapter 9: I've Always Believed

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Sandman rises on his cloud of sand to control everything, bringing back beautiful dreams to children. The Tooth Fairies can fly again, so they each dash over to touch a tooth-box.

Sophie happily yet softly exclaims, "Pretty!"

Cupcake touches a Nightmare and it becomes her Unicorn dream again, cantering around the hill. Then gigantic dinosaurs walk through the town, manta rays and dolphins 'swimming' alongside them, plus schools of fish. Jamie is about to touch them when Jack throws a snowball at his back. Jamie laughs and picks up a snowball to fire back. He hits Monty, and the kids have another free-for-all. Sandman descends to the ground as North approaches Jack and Summer.

North smiled asking the two, "Your centers?"

Jack looks to Summer then replied, "Well, it took a while, but we figured it out."

Summer smiled, fluttering over beside him more. "And I've always believed in you, Jack."

North tosses them their own carved wooden 'baby' for the center of a nesting doll. Jack, with Summer smile North, glanced over to Summer then winks at Jack, then looks stunned as a snowball hit him. Caleb and Claude blame an elf.

North turns around talking to the elf and the kids "Haha! You're all on Naughty List! Bunny! Think fast!" He pelts Bunny in the face, which actually makes Bunny smile when he sits up.

The snowball fight continues as Pitch stands up.

Pitch distraught watches, everyone, No..." He ducks from a Dream-sand Manta-ray. "You dare have fun in my presence?! I am the Boogeyman! And you will fear me!" Jamie runs right through him "No! Oh... No..."

The Guardians look on as Pitch becomes horrified, then bolts for the forest. Pitch crashes into North as they all stand on the frozen lake, falling to the ground.

North with hands on hips asking him "Leaving the party so soon?"

Tooth sarcastically said "You didn't even say goodbye!" then she tosses him a quarter.

Pitch raised an eyebrow holding it "A quarter?"

Summer punches Pitch in the teeth] And that's for hurting my Frostie." Jack knew that nickname was for him as he looked shocked at Summer.

Pitch got up backing away "You can't get rid of me! Not forever! There will always be fear!"

North looked to his fellow guardian friends "So what? As long as one child believes, we will be here to fight fear."

Pitch smirks then asked "Really? Then what are they doing here?" Nightmares bray at the edges of the lake.

North grinned then spoke up "Haha! They can't be my Nightmares, I'm not afraid."

Both opposites look around then grinned turning to Pitch "Looks like it's your fear they smell." Summer said as Jack held her hand.

Pitch gasps and starts running, but the Nightmares pursue.

Pitch realizing as he screams mercy "Oh no!" They drag him down to his lair and pull all of the leftovers of the bedpost into the hole with them. They cover the ground's opening too. "No, don't! Ahh!! Nooo!!"

Jack looks up at the moon as the clouds part with a knowing smirk. Summer giggles and hugs him the two look longingly at each other now knowing they loved each other as humans, now they loved each other as guardians causing the two to kiss. She then pulled away for North to do the oath.

North asked him with the other guardians coming by him "Are you ready now, Jack? To make it official." The elf with the trumpet from earlier looks threatening. A yeti brings the book back from earlier too. "Then is time you take Oath: Will you, Jack Frost, vow to watch over the children of the world?" The children approach on the lake. "To guard them with your life - their hopes, their wishes, and their dreams, for they are all that we have, all that we are, and all that we will ever be."

Jack looks back to Jamie, who nods at him.

Jack, he then replies "I will."

North closing the book tells him "Then, congratulations, Jack Frost - for you are now, and forevermore, a Guardian!" Everyone else cheers, while North picks Jack up. "Klassno!" He kisses each of Jack's cheeks, then sets him back down.

Bunny over North laughing. "That's my boy!"

An elf mimics North by kissing the grumpy trumpet-elf on the cheek, but the 2nd elf punches the 1st out of the frame.

Tooth notices the little fairies made a heart-shape out of themselves. "Keep it together, girls. remember that's Summer's Frostie."

The kids cheer, then notice North's sleigh and reindeer approaching.

Caleb excited "You guys, look! Santa's sleigh."

Pippa gasped surprised asking "Did you guys see that?"

Bunny to North "Everyone loves the sleigh."

Kids talking all at once "Wow! Look at that sleigh."

North has an arm on his shoulder then says to Jack. "Time to go."

Sandman with Summer tosses sand-fireworks and a rainbow into the air.

Bunny to Sophie, surrounded by googies. "Happy Easter, ya little anklebiter. Gonna miss ya."

Sophie Giggles "Bye bye, Bunny."

Claude quietly said "Wow..."

Jamie looked over to his friends then noticed Jack leaving with his distant cousin "You're leaving? But what if Pitch comes back? What if we stop believing again? If I can't see you two--"

Jack began talking "Hey, hey." he crouches down with Summer following behind "Slow down, slow down. Y-you telling me that you stop believing in the moon when the sun comes up?"

Jamie looked down answering "No..."

Summer then tried and began talking "Okay, well do you stop believing in the sun when clouds block it out?"

Jamie looks down and chuckles "No..."

Jack glanced at Summer than to Jamie he replied "We'll always be there, Jamie. And now, we'll always be here -" he touches Jamie's chest "- which kinda makes you a Guardian, too. He stands up and walks away.

Jamie looked down then up at the opposites "Jack! Cecilia!" He runs up and gives Jack and Summer both a hug, stunning the opposites, but the three give each other a group hug.

All of the Guardians are on the sleigh when Jack hops on.

North yelled to the reindeer "Hyah!" The sleigh takes off as the kids wave goodbye.

Jack looked at North as Summer followed behind "My name is Jack Frost"

Summer smiled following him looking at queen Toothiana "And I'm Summer and we're Guardians also opposites of the season's Summer and Winter"

Jack smiled glancing over at Summer as Summer looked at Sandy, Jack then later looked towards bunny "How do we know that? Because the Moon told us so." The opposites hop on the edge of the sleigh with Baby Tooth on Jack's shoulder letting a little snowflake fly off and a rainbow above it leaving it with "So when the Moon tells you something,"

The two of them say together as the sleigh rides off "believe it."

The End

Author's Note: Well I have to say that was a beautiful ending, concluding the story of the opposite seasons Winter and Summer, so what was your favorite magical moment, which guardian did you like? What did you dislike or like? Tell me anything in the comments below I would love the feedback.

This wouldn't have begun with the help of JessicaCoffaro for helping me with everything such as the distant family to Jamie

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