Chapter 6: Jack's ultimate Power

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Sophie noticed the bed and giggled Grabbing Norths snow globe as she noticed bunny.

"Bunny, hop, hop, hop!" Then looking at the globe as she said "oooh." Not knowing Abby on the floor asleep she tripped over her "ow." Getting back up as she went through the snow globe portal.

This caused North to wake up only a little.

Sandy went after the nightmare as Jack and summer chased the other. It took four times before he frosted it, impressed she liked this more and more. He was not mean but sweet and kind now.

Summer's thoughts were interrupted when he got it with his frost.

"Sandy! Sandy, did you see I got it?" Summer heard him say flying over. Once over there, she saw him touch it with his staff. "Look at this thing."

Once it was quiet, she saw her worse when she heard the familiar voice. "Frost? Summer?"

The two of them turned around to face him. This angered summer as that was not her name anymore, now changed to Summer only.

"The names Summer." She glared looking at him.

Jack attacked with his staff as he went into the shadows on the wall as he spoke up appearing In a building "you know, for a neutral party, you spend an awful time with those weirdos, this isn't your fight opposites."

The two of them glared "you made it our fight when you stole those teeth."

He then looked at Sandy as he stepped back when he was about to cause a war summer came.

"It's between you and me."

"Let it be so." He glared darkly.

Moving his hands he let out one of his nightmare sands toward her hitting the staff cause she blocked it. Jack watched as the two fought thinking they may have had a history with each other.

Landing on her feet she held the staff walking to the building, jack came by and commented: "remind me not to get on your bad side."

"Alright I admit, what I did in the past it wasn't good so look what I'll do," He grinned and made his nightmares corner the three.

Jack looked at him around them it was no run from them, until the other guardians came, as she went after to take pitch by herself.

"Oh wait I feel, I feel your fear, yours is Jack doesn't remember you, he never would, is it? You fear he will abandon you just like last time."

Summer glared holding her staff up to him though when he said it she lowered the staff asking confused how he knew.

"How did you know?" She asked with an angered tone. "First of all, he didn't he never did and never would so that trick won't work on me this time pitch."

Suddenly he disappeared as she flew back to the sled when Jack had landed looking towards bunny.

"You may want to duck." He said cause he caught the boomerang in time.

Above Sandy was surrounded by nightmares but he wasn't powerful enough Jack and summer went after him. That's when suddenly he got hit with the nightmare harpoon to the heart.

"NO!!!" Jack yelled as they flew higher.

The both of them got attacked by the nightmares when suddenly a huge wave of energy bolts from Jack and her caused a massive explosion after clapping causing huge icicles hit them.

Summer was stronger to not fall, however, she saw Jack falling as tooth saw summer get jack from falling unconscious from the big ultimate power lying him on the sleigh.

"Jack, how-how did we do that?"

Getting back to consciousness he looked to summer "I don't know, I didn't think we could.


"Oh come on, it'll be okay..." She told Jack.

"No... no, it's not." He muttered after making a frost figure of Sandy on the window.

Sighing Summer didn't know what else to say but put a hand on his as he was creating it, Jack looked at her stunned but his blue eyes gazed at her, summer only shook her head no.

Song: Bloom (reprise) - Joseph: King of Dreams:

"It's going to be okay." She said again suddenly it struck her like a memory, removing her hand from him.

He smiled a bit as Summer could always make him happy again he didn't know why, but he did felt like he needed her more than the guardians they worked as a team so far as the two were concerned, they walked to where the others were at looking at the globe.

Jack flew with summer as the glowing lights shined in their eyes bright.

"It's fear, he's tipped the balance," Jack said quietly.

Bunny knew this was saddening for the guardians until he jumped up on the controls making them feel better knowing easter is tomorrow.

"Don't you worry, sad sacks we can still turn this thing around, Easter is tomorrow and I'll need everyone's help."

North with the gang walked to the sleigh "As much as it pains me, old friend, to say this but... Easter is more powerful than Christmas."

As North said this it made bunny happy until he said to the sleigh.

"Oh no, mate my Warren, my rules," He smirked, "buckle up."

He tapped the floor as North replied "Shostakovich."

Sliding through the tunnel everyone enjoyed it the most who had fun was Summer and jack as this was both up to their allies enjoying it the twists and turns arriving at the end of the tunnel.

"Buckle up," North laughed "is very funny."

Bunny got on his hind legs and smiled "welcome to the warren."

That was until he sensed something or someone here, his nose twitching ears sensing something as so did she thinking what it might be.

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