The Ugly Truth

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On my way back home I still can't fathom what just happened.

'Why me? What did I do that captured his attention? Why can't he just leave me alone?'.

Outside my house I open the door and I'm met with silence which makes my face contort into confusion. It's never silent in this house.

"Mum! Dad! Jake!" I decide to go up to Jake's room, maybe he didn't hear me. Jogging upstairs I knock on Jake's door, relief flows through me when I hear a "Come in".

I open the door and see him playing one of his games, he pauses it and looks at me "Hey Lina are you ok?" I scratch the back of my head "Yeah I'm ok, where's mum and dad?" He sneezes, this room needs dusting.

"They're on a date night, didn't they message you?".

'A date night? They've never done that before'.

I try to shrug it off "Um, no they didn't" He shrugs "Maybe they forgot? They seemed in a bit of a hurry" I nod "Probably, do you want anything to eat or a drink?".

His eyes light up and he gives me a mischievous smile "Maybe a takeaway?" I chuckle "Ok I'll get a takeaway what would you like?" He grins.

"Can I have a cheese burger with no salad, a big portion of cheesy chips with mayo and a can of Fanta please?" Mentally taking down his order I smile and say "Coming right up" As I leave the room he shouts "Thank you!".

I know that I have a comfortable amount of money to get my own place but I have enough to spend a bit. I hope that when I tell my mum and dad that I want to get my own place they'll be ok with it.

I go downstairs and order our food on my phone. Thirty minutes later there's a knock on the door. Excited to get some food in my stomach I speed walk to the door. I open it and the delivery guy hands me our food.

"Oh and miss, someone just gave me a note to give you" The blood drains from my face, I take the note from his hand and gulp "Thank you" When I close the door I feel tears well up in my eyes but I refuse to let them fall.

I let out a shaky sigh and place a fake smile on my face. I don't want to worry Jake.

Outside his door I knock "Ooo is food here!?" I chuckle "Yes the food has arrived" I hand him his order the leave to eat in the living room. I eat first before I open the note. I don't want to lose my appetite.

I put the TV on and find one of my favourite shows. I start eating but I can't help but eying up the note I placed on the table.

'Please leave me alone'

I beg in my thoughts. When I'm done I put the rubbish in the bin. Back in the living room I take a deep inhale then exhale slowly trying to mentally prepare myself.

I unfold the note and read.

My love.

There's one important thing I left out.

My demons.

They yearn for you, they want you, they want to save you from your mundane life.

Your parents are out, they didn't notify you, isn't that a bit rude? Your parents, you think they love you?

Think again.

I am going to send you how they truly feel about you.

I'm sorry my love, this will hurt you.

But I won't.

As soon as I finish the note there's a ping from my phone, I pick it up and open the message but I only see a video. I click on it and what I see scares me to my core.

My parents.

'Is this some sort of sick threat? Knowing that he can get to them'.

They're at a restaurant, laughing, I see my mum taking a gulp of wine and my dad drinking what I believe is whiskey.

'They never drink, I've never seen a sign of alcohol in the house, they said they don't like alcohol, they think it's disgusting'.

My eyes widen slightly when I can hear them talking clearly. My mum sighs.

"I'm so glad that we're away from the kids, they are so stressful especially Evangelina".

'They never say my full name unless they're angry with me, what did I do?'.

She continues "Don't get me wrong I love her but when can she move out already? Other people her age have moved out why hasn't she? God she's twenty two! It's embarrassing Harry!".

I feel like my heart is shattering piece by piece.

Dad reaches his hand and places it on hers "I know honey, sometimes I question our parenting, I mean Evangelina failed her GCSE'S and other tests, we should've pushed harder, Jake is our second chance".

My mum leans close to him "Harry, do you think that she's...special? Like a little bit retarded? We should've gone to the doctors and had her head checked".

Another peice of my heart shattered.

Dad sighs "Probably. I'm glad she's working now, one less person in the house".

'But I'm barely here. What's going on?'.

I gasp when I hear the door open and shut. I quickly turn off my phone. I don't know wether to finish the video, but it hurts too much I don't think I can. I already have the jest of it.

They enter the living room "Sweet? Isn't it time for bed?" I stand up "Yes, yes it is" When I make my way upstairs I hear my mum 'whisper' "See? She's strange".

She's right.

The ugly truth is.

They don't love me.

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