Time Of The Season

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(WARNING...this chapter is boring)

Asher's POV

I drive around the street to pass time, I'm not going to get him. I love my little ember but she was too caught up in revenge to realise how stupid it would be.

The reason why I left was to show how I'd do anything for her. Inhaling the sweet nicotine in my hand I smile. I have plans, plans to make her obsessed with me.

I do feel bad that I am the reason for my beloveds state but it had to be done or else we wouldn't be where we are now, if I didn't do this then she wouldn't have admitted that her feelings are growing. The human part of me wishes that she never said it.

Now she will never leave me, even if she wants to which I hope she'll never want to because I won't let her. She's always been mine but this is different because she loves me.

'How can I make her fall madly in love with me?'.

I want her to be obsessed with me, to stay by my side always, I want her to be mad like me and I think I have just the thing. I have a very good idea that I know she'll love on the day I show myself.

I have two sides of myself, the calm and caring side, and the rough dominant one, the latter hasn't come out in a long time. I can feel him longing to be free, that's why I need her to be mad for me so she doesn't care about my dark side.

I don't want it to scare her because it will, the rough side isn't nice. It's commanding and evil, it will hurt her if she provokes it. I want to hear more of her loving words and that's why I brought alcohol on my drive.

It'll relax her it's just a treat for what she's been through, what I've put her through but it's over and done with now. She's never drank before but she'll be with me so she's in perfectly good hands.

I can't wait to see her drunk side I'm curious of what she'll be like. Driving back to her flat building I've only been gone for almost an hour, I'll just say that I took a shortcut and it isn't that far away.

Outside her door I lower my mask and enter the nice flat and closing the door behind me, I smile when I hear laughter but slightly frown as it isn't in the distance, it's in the living room.

'What the fuck is she doing in the living room?!'.

I try to not let my anger get the best of me, walking further in I see her on the sofa watching a show "What are you doing?" My sudden appearance makes her jump "Jesus you scared me" She turns the volume of the TV down, she didn't need to but it's a polite thing.

"I just needed a change of scenery, I've been in my room long enough" I'm glad she didn't notice the anger in my voice "Why didn't you wait for me?" She looks at her lap, when she's about to talk I say "It's polite to look at the person you're talking to" Now that shocked her.

Her enchanting eyes lift up to me "I didn't know how long you'd be gone for and you've done so much for me, I just wanted to do something by myself" Why does she have to be so fucking sweet, I love how timid her voice was.

Walking to the open kitchen I place the bag on the island "Well next time wait for me, you could've hurt yourself" There's a moment of silence "But I didn't though-" I interrupt her "I don't care next time wait for me".

She clenches her fist "Or what?" I think I see a challenge, striding towards her I say "Or when those casts come off I will spank your arse so hard that it'll leave a fucking handprint and you'll have trouble sitting for days, got it?".

What surprises me is the heat rising in her cheeks, clearing her throat and slightly moves in her seat.

'I see my little ember is a bit of a masochist'.

My Little Ember Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant