My New Beginning

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"Sooo what do you think?!" The estate agent beams at me hoping that she convinced me to get the place.

She did.

I love it, it's not too big which I love. It's small but spacious and has a homey feel to it, and the flat has an amazing view of the town. It's a fifteen minute walk to work, just an extra ten minutes is completely fine.

I'll have to look for a sofa, get a TV and other living room stuff, I'm good for the bedroom I can get a mover to take out my bedroom stuff. I'll just need to buy a kettle and all the necessities.

But it's ok I have enough to get them, I have saved up a lot which I'm thankful for. Mother and father are still at the hospital, I checked on Jake and he's ok but he seems a bit strange.

He's probably still shaken up from finding out that I sent mother to hospital but he'll get over it.

I nod at her and smile "This is the place, it's perfect" She claps "I am so glad, ok now if we can sign the papers this is all yours!" We walk to the island and I sign the papers.

Before we parted ways she gave me the flat key. This flat is now my home, my home, I don't have to deal with my parents every single fucking day, when I think about them I feel sick.

And angry.

I hope Jake visits, what happened with mother shouldn't have scared him that much...he knows I could've done worse, he shouldn't be scared of me she's a bitch and pressures him too much, he should be thankful.

'Maybe I should show him the video, then he'll know I'm not the bad guy, I'm not the big bad wolf'.

He'll understand why I did what I did, I'm sure he'd do the same, I don't think they love him either, because he's their second chance, their second chance of 'good' parenting.

On a different subject, is the note. I'm ashamed that I haven't opened it yet but I've been busy, but can you blame me? I purposely gave my mother an allergic reaction I was busy, he'll understand. I hope he's proud of me, I'm finally starting to see myself!

Back at 'home' I flop on my bed and look at my phone, I guess I should check up on my parents I don't want them to think I'm some psycho, well they already think I'm strange and blah blah blah.

I'd like to say that their words mean nothing to me anymore but that's a lie, they still affect me. Their words are like cuts, they hurt and sting but eventually they heal, and I can't wait for that day.

I pick up my phone to call father, he didn't pick up the first time so I try again, five rings later he picks up "Hi sweet" From his voice I can tell he doesn't want to talk to me "Hi dad, how's mum?".

He sighs "She's stable and she's coming home this evening so all will be fine...Evangelina".

'Oh god, I knew this would pop up'.

"When you made dinner, was there any nuts in anything?".

'Fuck think!'.

"No! There shouldn't have been anything, you know we all make sure there's none in the house" There's a silence "Then how did she get a reaction if there was nothing..." He's breathing hard "In the fucking house! There was something Evangelina. I can't believe I'm saying this but I know you had something to do with it so you better fess up now!".

I contort my voice purposely into anger "How dare you! How dare you think that I would do something like that to mum!" Again silence "Ok, we'll be home soon" He ends the call.

I sigh and sit up, I pick up the note that I placed under my pillow and open it.

My little ember,

I think you know I planned our meeting, I'm sorry I can't see you tomorrow but there's a reason for that, you'll find out soon.

From your beloved.

I hold the note to my chest with a smile.

'He's so sweet'.

I think about my new place. I've decided to call the movers tomorrow, I want to get out of here as soon as I can. I look at the time and see it's quarter past five which makes me groan in dread.

So my parents should come back within an hour or two. I'm at work tomorrow thank God so I'll be gone most of the day and the next day I'll take the day off so I can move my stuff.

I start to daydream.


"Let me go! Please I won't tell anyone I promise!" The young girl sobs. Tied to the cold metal chair she jolts herself back and fourth trying to wiggle her way out.

I mentally roll my eyes, they always say that even in the fucking movies. I started killing people when I was fifteen, animals before that but I don't really count it, so I've been taking lives for nine years.

Yes I do get annoyed sometimes by the constant 'Let me go' and the 'I promise I won't tell anyone' but I do love the begging, seeing the look of hope in their eyes slowly diminish excites me. I am their executor and I fucking love it.

"I did nothing! I never did anything bad, I never drank, smoked know" She went awkward at the end, then I knew exactly what she's talking about "...unless that's what you want, if so, will you let me go?".

Is she really offering her virginity for her freedom? Fucking disgusting, even if I did the outcome still wouldn't change. I picked her for a reason but now I'm having second thoughts.

She's pure and that's what my little ember is. My present for my beloved is this girl's heart, but this girl who can't be older than sixteen is offering her virginity to a man who's about to murder her thinks that it'll make a difference. Is she really that fucking naive?

God I should've picked someone older but in a town this small, it's pretty fucking difficult.

My beloved deserves a pure heart and I guess it technically is. I pick up my knife and walk towards the girl, she thrashes against the restraints harder and screams as loud as she can.

I grab her jaw and press hard on her pressure points, her mouth unwillingly opens and I pull out her tongue as far as it goes. I press my knife against her tongue. I've never seen eyes open so wide, pleading me not to do what she knows I'm about to do.

She shakes her head trying to remove my grip off her tongue. I try not to laugh at her ridiculous movements, instead I slowly slice her tongue off.

"It's your fault I'm doing this, offering up your disgusting offer, you should be ashamed of yourself" Her tongue is sliced off perfectly and there were no troubles.

I dangle it infront of her, without her tongue her screams are gurgles. Now it's time to end it, I tilt the chair into a table. Using my knife I make three deep slices on her body, she isn't moving so I guess she passed out of shock. With my gloves I lift up her skin so they're out of the way, I pick up the rib shears.

Now this is my favourite, the sound of the ribs breaking from the shears send pleasent shivers down my spine, all of the ribs cut I remove them, she's definitely dead after this and I also know this because her heart isn't pumping.

I get my scissors to cut the chordae tendineae which are also known as the heart strings. My eyes glimmer when I hold her heart up.

'She'll love it'.

(Ok I haven't read through this properly cause I'm really not feeling well and also with the next two chapters that I have pre written which I will skim through before I publish.

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