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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Back in the Wicked Reality

A brand new day it was! It had been a few days since the party. Due to it being held on Friday, everybody who had a troubling hangover was able to recover from them over the weekends. So that was a little convenient for all the pathetic bastards who got drunk at the stupid party.

Anyways, it was the beginning of the first day of the new week. Obviously, everybody hates Mondays, except for the weird ones who actually like it for some reason, but we don't talk about them.

Jin was on his way to the Supreme Court to work like any other day. He had to prepare the reports for the meeting that he was going to have with the Chief Justice, nearly the first thing in the morning. He had already read over the files and reports over the weekends, so it wouldn't be much of a surprise to him. All they had to do was decide a conclusive ruling for the case after looking at the bunch of evidence.

For some reason, on the way to the court, Jin was constantly feeling as if something was going to happen today, but he couldn't quite remember what it was exactly. His reminders and digital planner didn't remind him of anything like that. While he was in the traffic, he decided to quickly look through his Apple watch, to make sure that he REALLY wasn't forgetting about any event and it was just all in his head. Which he was right about, because again, there was nothing in his reminders regarding today, so it was just all in his brain.

After a while, he finally reached the Supreme court. He parked his car in the usual place and went to the elevator in the lobby area because that's where the main elevators to all the other floors are.

When he entered the lobby, he quickly showed the security his ID card and quickly rushed to the main elevator area. Many of the workers that saw him bowed to him, Jin ignored some of them and just waited in front of the elevator.

He got into the elevator and was really conflicted. Because his guts were genuinely going crazy over the fact that something was going to happen today but he still couldn't remember what it was.

He tried his hardest and pushed the thoughts away once again. He made his way to the usual office he works in. He soon got in and was greeted respectively by his receptionist. Jin was about to pass by there before she quickly spoke up.

"Judge Kim, just to remind you, but the new associate justice is going to be coming today."

And that's exactly when the realisation hit Jin hard in the head. Right! That's what he was forgetting. The new stupid judge that was probably going to be a jerk, is coming today. Jin was still not aware why his guts were going wild over THIS out of all the things, but well perhaps it's because Jin forgot something in a long while. Probably not, but let's see.

Jin just nodded his head and sighed before going inside to his main desk. He took off his long coat and put it on the coat hanger. He then sat down on his chair and started looking over the new files that were given to him beforehand for a case study. He poked the bridge of his round glasses that were slowly sliding off his nose. He took the rubber finger pads near his pen holder and put them on the tip of his thumb and index finger. Literally, everyone in courts used these because they helped with quickly and efficiently flipping pages and stuff.

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