Chapter 5.

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I was standing at the airport with Louis, my Dad and Charlie. We were in a very small room so Louis wouldn't get spotted. First, I had to say goodbye to Dad. Luckily Charlie was coming with me, she had family in Australia and her Mom let her come, Simon didn't want me to be on a bus full of boys completely by myself. I mean I really didn't mind but it's all down to Simon. She will come to Australia, we are flying into Sydney, then she is going to get a connecting flight to Bathurst Island the next day. She will stay with family for about 2 weeks while me and the boys do our concerts. We then have one week off, we are all going to fly down to Bathurst island t her and spend our week relaxing.  

It is then onto Asia, and then the start of the American tour. I am only working for the starting of the US leg of the tour. Only about a month or so worth of shows. I am staying on tour with Niall until all American shows are done then me and Charlie are going home, along with the boys. They will be heading home to wrap up their Four tour.  

I am worried, but I can't show that. I can't let them know I'm weak, it will just show them that one piece of hate could completely knock me off balance. Relapse me. "Nat!" Louis shouted at me and clicked his fingers in front of my face to wake me out my daydream. "Sorry, what" I said, "that's our flight, the one they just called" he said to me standing up and grabbing his bag. I stood up as did my father. "I don't think I can do this" I said, putting my head in my hands. "Nat, Natalie" my father said pushing my head up.  

"Look, you can sit here doubt yourself then, decide not to go and come home with me and completely ruin your chances of doing what you love, being with your brother and being apart of music. Or you can get up off your ass and go and get on this air plane, and live your dream. Natalie, listen to me, no matter what you do. Some people are not going to like it and some people are going to love it. Its all up to you to decide who matters. Now why don't you go. Do one week off shows, and if you still feel like this come home. Forget it ever happened. Or you love it and it's the best 3 months off your life" he said to me looking in my eyes.  

I have made my decision, I am now sitting on a plane in Sydney  airport waiting for up to start departing. We aren't going to meet the boys until tomorrow because its like 2 am. So Louis is going to leave me and we are going to meet at the hotel. So the paps don't get photos off us together. Me and Charlie actually look like tourists. A few people in the world know who I am but not a lot. I just hope that Simon hasn't announced it yet. He told us he was going to announce it before my first show but I'm not sure.  

I get woken by Charlie jumping on my bed. "What is it Char?" "You need to get up, its 10. We are going to meet Niall and that today". "10?! We are meeting them at 11! Louis will be down at 10:30! I need to have a shower." I quickly jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I put my music on really loud in the bathroom. I went in and had a shower. I got out and put a towel around myself and lightly combed my hair. I stepped out to get my clothes, me and Charlie get dressed in front of each other all the time, it's really no big deal. I stepped out and Charlie wasn't there. 

 But Louis was, he was just lying in my bed. And I was naked, in front of him. Well not naked, but basically. He looked up at me and a cheeky smirk spread across his face. "What are you doing here? Your not supposed to be here until 10:30? Where's Charlie?" "one, it's 10:45 and two, Charlie is down getting you coffee. So you better hurry up." He said looking at me. I went over and grabbed my clothes and make-up bag and headed towards the bathroom. "Stop staring Lou" I said as I shut the door. He simply just laughed.  

It's now 12 pm and I'm just ready, we are heading to Niall's room, because that's apparently where they all meet. So me and Charlie are standing outside the door and Louis is inside he told me when he shouts 'come in', shocker we've to go in. I was standing in deep thought when Charlie shook me, "he just shouted" at that I walked in and all the boys ran towards me. Except Niall. "Surprise" I said and smiled at them. He just looked at me shook his head and walked out. What have I done?  

Sorry this is really short guys but FINALLY an update. I was just about to update and my computer crashed and it wouldn't turn on. So I finally took it to the shop and they fixed it and I just got it back. So expect MUCH more updates. I love every one off you guys for being so patient.

Little Drummer Girl (NiallHoran/LouisTomlinson) -on hold-Where stories live. Discover now