Chapter 2.

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We finally got home, I got Louis phone number after he ran around the arena shouting "I NEED MY CARROT QUEENS PHONE NUMBER!" crazy? I know right! Harry and Charlie seemed quite close. I'm so happy I got time to spend time with my twinny!

Right now im looking throo the selfies Lou took last night while running around the arena with Paul chasing him.

To:Carrot Queen.X
From:Carrot King.X

Hey babe, what you up to today. We are leaving for Aussie at 3pm tomorrow afternoon. We need to start our tour. I wanted to know if you wanted to come over? if your not busy. I can get Paul to pick you up. -love CK...<3XO


Sure why no. Ehm I live at 40 bluenose lane. Who's all gonna be there? -love CQ...<3XO


Ok that's great when should I get Paul to pick you up? And everyone:) -love CK...<3XO


Ehm about 20 minutes and ok see you soon:) -love CQ...<3XO


Ok see you then love. -love CK...<3XO

I quickly got up and got dressed into some jeans, a sports bra and a flowy top. I put a pair of shorts in a bag and dance shoes and put a minimum makeup on. I through my hair into a high ponytail and put my bracelet that Niall got me for my 18th birthday. It's like a kiddies bangle that has Niall on it and he has one with Natalie on it. Underneath has 'N+N together wherever' carved into it. His has it as well.

I wear it nearly everywhere I go. I went down stairs and took a price if paper. 'Hey daddy, away to see Niall and the boys love you lots Nat. Xxxx' I left him the note and got into the car waiting outside.

"Hey Paul" "hey honey, back to the hotel?" "Yeah thanks." With that we headed back to the hotel.

I entered their hotel room Paul had told me the number. There was no one there?

"Louis guys?" And out comes a naked Louis. "Oh shit-ehm" and he ran back into the room. I sat down on the sofa, ten minutes later, Louis comes back into the room but with clothes on.

"Where is everyone?" "Oh ehm, Niall went to see some old friends, Zayn went to get some more hair gel and Liam had to go with him or he would buy to much. And Harry went, I actually don't know where Harry is he said he was going out but refused to tell me where" he smiled at me.

"Ok good because I need your help" "ok what with?" "Ehm I need your help with some homework" "oh your better going to Liam or Harry. I failed my exams the first time" "really?" I asked and started laughing!

"Stop laughing" he said. "Ok whatever and don't worry I go to Natalia Vasachi's school for expresive arts" "and what may that be?" He asked confused?

"Ireland's top singing, dancing and acting school" "really, what one do you do?" He asked looking intrested. Oh poor innocent boy he has no clue!

"Ehm you can't tell anyone but me and my friend Carlie are just about to graduate tomorrow actually as triple threats" "haha, nice joke but seriously what one do you do" he thinks I'm kidding on?

"I'm being serious!" I replied acting hurt. "I'm telling the truth all I need is a job now" "prove it. Sing Valerie by Amy Winehouse and dance!"

I took my shoes of and ran into the bathroom with my bag. I took of my jeans and put on my shorts, that actually looked like boxers. I took of my flowy top so I was just in my sports bra.

Little Drummer Girl (NiallHoran/LouisTomlinson) -on hold-Where stories live. Discover now