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 Naruto stares at the civilian who spoke to him about rights.

Tell me lord Hokage why do you need this stupid civilian council I mean they are worthless in the shinobi village yet you put them in the council.

Minato didn't say anything as he knew this was the truth. 

So, Fugaku san do you still want to arrest me and then give me proof that I attacked the fellow shinobi beside the worthless mutt? 

The table in front of tsume cracked, Even after what you did you still disrespect him what kind of monster are you? Tsume shouted. 

Like I said I don't even know what I am? what does that even mean? Tsume asked.

It means exactly what it sounds like. You people were the ones who turn me into the monster I am today so don't go around talking as if you cared about my situation. You people were the ones who turn me into the monster so let me ask you this. COUNCIL WHAT MADE YOU THINK YOU CAN CONTROL ME !!!

Naruto we know we messed up in the past but can you please give us a chance like how you give mito the chance, Kushina asked with tears in her eyes. 

In the mind of naruto.

The creator was looking at the smiling Sk. 

TC:- Why is that boy is playing around? He could kill everyone and why does he play with that spirit and your daughter?

SK:- Maybe he wants to relish his childhood again after all he had bad childhood after all.

TC:- That's bullshit tell me what are you planning to do with him? 

SK:- Nothing much.

TC:- What. Anyway, I am gonna kill the betrayer of heaven to make him mad and you are weak SK so I am just gonna go this. a large amount of power could be seen in the hand of TC as he shouted... Even if I can't kill you I will still be able to damage you. 

He threw the attack toward Sk.

TC watch in complete horror when his attack did nothing.

Sk:- Do you think such a weak being as you can even make me tickle? Hurt me yeah right a weakling like you can't do anything. Take this:- Curse of Nirvanna. TC froze in place as he saw the darkness coming toward him at a rapid rate he shouted, Get rid of this. He screamed in pain as he felt his real body getting damaged.

Sk:- Curse of Niravanna is a curse that poisons not only your body but your soul so try hard you fool to win against Naruto now. Even though you are in the Projection form but how will survive the curse now huh?

TC:- Curse you. He dissolves in the air. 

Hahahaha. Marisa!!!. Yes, father.

Its time. 


back to the scene

Naruto burst out laughing while looking at kushina, You think I gave Mito a chance? I suppose I am a really good actor eh? I have no friend's from this village. Marisa and 2 others are only my real friend. 

Minato narrowed his eyes at the name of Marisa and 2 others. Naruto what do you mean by Marisa and 2 other friends and who is this Marisa? Minato asked.

Marisa is my best friend and she was the only one who cared about me enough to come to visit me daily and she will be here tomorrow. 

Naruto, Why are you doing this? why are you turning into a heartless and ruthless person?

Kushina said as she was crying.

It is because I did the same as you did. 

Kushina:- What?

Like you said I didn't do anything and forgive me even in the academy they put me out of the class even if I didn't do anything as I asked them for 1 chance and yet I didn't get anything. I was betrayed by Ichiraku even after I gave them 1 more chance after their last betrayal. 


I.. I she stuttered she already knew what he was implying that only sadden her that he will never trust anyone and with that, the tear started to flow faster.

EXACTLY. Naruto said.

If that's all the Lord Hokage I will be going. with that naruto left.

Lord Hokage that boy must be restrained he doesn't even respect the council. Minato kept silent. 

This meeting is adjourned. Minato said completely disregarding the idea.

In the Hokage office.

Kushina:- Minato do something pls. I want my baby boy back. Kushina cried into her husband's shoulder.

Don't worry kushina tomorrow the Marisa girl will come to Konoha for naruto as he said and he seems happy maybe just maybe that girl might be the one who can change Naruto after all she was very protective of Naruto for 4 months. 

The Next day,

Marisa was the gate in line. 

izumo and Kotetsu:- Who might you be? 

I am Marisa and I am here to look after Naruto until the chunnin exam. sweat drops started to fall behind both of them as the Hokage had told them to be careful of this 13-year-old-looking girl. 

Umm the Hokage want's to meet you Marisa san. Izumo said.

Ok, she said with a cheerful tone. Very well then follow me to the tower pls. Izumo said and with that, they both walked toward the tower.

And done.

Naruto uzumaki of the Meta miracle. (Who Knows )Where stories live. Discover now