Before we begin our tale, meet the main characters!

Before we begin our tale, meet the main characters!

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"Planet Earth had been our home for billions of years," Princess Shyra said, reading to the children from the picture book

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"Planet Earth had been our home for billions of years," Princess Shyra said, reading to the children from the picture book. "But even after such a long lifespan, the planet was falling to pieces, and everyone was desperate to escape."

"Was it that bad, princess? Couldn't they adjust? I've heard that humans can live almost anywhere. That's why people can live on planets like Ronin, Mehri..."

She gave the child a sad smile, "Oh, it was that bad, sweet pie. You see, everything that we needed for life, from water to plants to animals was dying from diseases." Her stomach knotted in twists as she thought of how terrible the situation had been. "Humans couldn't live there anymore, so they fought to escape on spaceships. It was a hard time, and not everyone made it out of there."

A child raised his hand to ask a question, but before Shyra could attend to him, her handmaiden Aita came rushing through the doors with a startling bang.

"Princess Shyra! Your sabha samiti, with the appointed heads, is about to begin. Please hurry up," she said, crossing her hands over her stomach. Shyra gave a small huff of annoyance, glanced at the clock and nodded. She smiled apologetically at the kids for interrupting their storytime and strode out of the library with Aita at her heels.

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