"It would be too mean to say this, but I told you so," Princess Arina said

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"It would be too mean to say this, but I told you so," Princess Arina said. Shyra clenched her jaw at that remark but kept quiet, refusing to rise to the bait.

"The only reason we'd warned you was that we all went through this, dear," Empress Hira said, visibly trying to diffuse the situation. "When our men were taken, we sought help from those around us. But everyone turned their back on us and chose to do nothing about the situation."

Shyra pressed the tips of her index and thumb fingers together. "So there's no one else who can help us? No army that will come to our aid?"

When Arina and Hira shook their heads, the last of their hopes were crushed, and everyone sighed and looked away to hide their disappointment.

Once Shyra was certain that they wouldn't propose any more ideas, she cleared her throat and caught their attention. "Since we don't seem to have any better ideas, I'd like to offer a solution. I thought of it as our last resort; in case every other path fails. So if you have a better way to save them, feel free to volunteer your solution."

There was a moment of silence where the queens stared helplessly at each other. When it became clear that there would be no answers, Empress Hira leaned forward and propped her chin on her palm. "Okay then. Let's hear your plan, Empress Shyra."

Shyra's fingers trembled as she picked up a heavy book with a deep blue cover and dusty pages. She blew the dust off the cover and flipped through the pages delicately until she reached the page she wanted.

"The Baan," she said, exhaling slightly and turning the book toward the screen. "They're legendary fighters and warriors who live as a tribe on an obscure planet. I've heard that they're an evolved form of an ancient species called monkeys, which lived on Earth," she hesitated and bit her lip. "If we're able to convince the chief of the Baan to lend us his army, we can win this war once and for all."

All the women inhaled deeply and stared at the book Shyra was holding, eyes narrowing and contemplating the path that Shyra was suggesting.

"So you're saying," Empress Hira said, "That we need to journey to the Baan, take a part of their army, and lead them to war against Arawn Adair?"

Everyone glanced at each other nervously when she put the plan into perspective. Shyra's mind scrambled to put enough words together to convince the women. After all, these were the only people who were willing to help her search for Mahi.

"Ladies," Shrya began, clenching and unclenching her fists. "I understand what you all have been going through. Women have never been respected enough by our counterparts, and taking the lead is something many of us haven't learned. But all of us are leaders. Before anything else, believe in yourself first. Believe in your love for your husbands, brothers, and fathers. Believe in your capability to be the ones rescuing them."

Shyra's voice broke by the end of her speech, and she realized that she needed to hear these words as much as they did. Because even though she'd been trained to rule Ziya, she'd never expected to be put in such difficult situations. She'd never thought that she would have to choose between her pranali and her beloved.

But the choice was obvious, and in that moment, she realized that even if they refused, she would hunt down the Baan all by herself and lead their army against Arawn.

"I agree," Empress Hira said, startling all of them. "If no one else is going to come to our rescue, we're going to have to rescue them ourselves. After all, we're leaders of our subjects, aren't we?" her voice rose with a proud smirk. "It's time we show them that women can lead armies and win wars."

Zehra clapped politely at the end of Hira's speech, causing all of them to share proud smiles.

"Alright, everyone. Raise your hand if you're willing to join this cause," Empress Hira said, raising her hand in the air.

Following her lead, all the women tentatively raised their hands in solidarity and agreed to join the fight.

"So, Empress Shyra," Arina said, lowering her hand and clearing her throat. "How do we proceed from here? You said that the Baan are very elusive. I hope you have a proper strategy to meet them."

Shyra smiled and flipped the book to a different page. This time there was no hesitation as she turned it over and showed it to them.

"Mayas? That's your plan?" Arina huffed. "Since your knowledge of history is so good, I'm sure you're aware of how much damage these Mayas have done to humanity. They were banned from practicing magic for a purpose."

"I'm very well aware, princess," Shyra replied. "But Mayas are the only people who know where the Baan live. And as I've just explained, the Baan are our only solution now."

Arina crossed her arms and exhaled noisily, making her displeasure clear. Hira stared through the screen apprehensively while Eyad and Zehra nervously tugged at their sleeves.

"Ladies," Shyra huffed exasperatedly. "You've agreed to help out on this journey. Meeting the Mayas is only the first step. This entire journey is going to be filled with unpredictable hardships. So, if you truly do not wish to face struggles, please let me know right now. But if you agree to come along, I don't want this kind of resistance to hard choices again."

This time the silence was ringed with awkwardness as the women thought through the implications carefully. Shyra could see the gears turning in their heads as they considered her offer, and felt the firm determination seep into their bones when they decided to accompany her.

"I'll come with you," Princess Arina said, surprising all of them by being the first one to speak. "But we can't leave our kingdoms unprotected while we tramp off on a mission."

"Ah well, for that problem there's a simple solution," Shyra said, a relieved grin spreading across her face. "Even I'm going to face the same problem, so I'll be putting my husband's parents on the throne for now. And to help them, I'll be appointing my trusted teacher, Acharya Neavay, as a temporary advisor."

"Oh. I get what you're saying," Arina replied thoughtfully. "I'll appoint someone as a temporary ruler as well, until we get back what was taken from us."

Shyra turned to Hira, who slowly nodded as well, giving her final confirmation for the mission.

"Alright then. When you've taken care of everything for your throne, I'll send you a few coordinates. Make your way to that place as fast as you can."

"So where is that place? Where are we going to look for a Maya?"

Shyra smiled and shut the book, packing in her travel bag. "Why, we're going to look for her in Pranali, of course."

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