"Welcome to day two of the Games everyone!" the anchor announced cheerily

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"Welcome to day two of the Games everyone!" the anchor announced cheerily. "Today the remaining four competitors will be paired together again and made to compete. On my right, the screen will appear and display the two teams again for your reference."

Shyra's and Tuhin's faces appeared next to each other on the widescreen again alongside the other team. The second challenge's details scrolled through the screen and saddled to a stop below the competitors. The anchor squinted at the words and read them for everyone's benefit.

"Today's challenge depends on planning and coordination, plus a huge amount of individual skill of each competitor. The field will be turned into a mock battlefield, and both teams will be given flags they need to protect from various hurdles and attacking forces. There's no need to seize the other team's flag or anything," he said, correctly guessing the doubt in everyone's minds. "The teams will be occupied enough in protecting their flag, so getting the other team's flag is completely unnecessary."

The screen changed to an enormous timer that was held for an hour.

"There will be one hour to defend the flags. If they get stolen from their position or get ripped beyond recognition, then that team is out of the Games."

The audience drew a collective breath and gasped as the Arena rose and fell in perfect coordination, creating a rough terrain marred by lumps of sand and cairns of rocks stacked randomly.

Two tiny hills appeared on either side of the Arena, and atop them, two flags fluttered in the breeze. Both of them were bright red in color, Shyra observed. Something that would make it an obvious target for whatever was going to attack them.

"Competitors, choose either side of the Arena and prepare to guard your flag."

Shyra and Tuhin looked at each other and, in unison, ran toward the left side of the field. Taking their cue, the other team grabbed the right side and took up vigil there.

They stopped at the base of the hill and put their heads together for a quick strategy meeting.

"So your strengths are sword fighting and the spear, right?" Shyra asked, having had this discussion with him the previous day. Tuhin nodded and pulled out his spear from the holder on his back, spinning it around for emphasis.

Shyra sighed at him and counted their attributes on her fingers. "So I can do archery extremely well, plus I'm good with a sword as well."

"Princess," Tuhin interrupted, trying to point over her shoulder, but Shyra was distracted enough by the spear to tolerate his disturbances. She shushed him and started listing their common strengths and weaknesses.

"Both of us know martial arts and have learned monster fighting, in case they launch monsters at us. I think they mentioned a few other weapons distributed through the Arena. I've trained with most of the weapons known to humankind. What about you? It really depends on..."

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