Chapter 6 - What Happened To You?

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After what seemed like several minutes of silence, Jacob finally cleared his throat and spoke

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After what seemed like several minutes of silence, Jacob finally cleared his throat and spoke.

"Woah woah. Um, you see your majesties, no one is getting married here. It was only a kind deed. We're on our own expedition you see, so we best be on our way now." Jacob said with a nervous tone.

As he signaled us to start walking towards the door, the crew began to move until two guards pointed their spears. Sarah quickly pulled her own weapons out to defend the crew. My father narrowed his eyes and glared at the royals behind us.

"What in hell's name do you want from us...?" My father said with a low voice.

The king snickered at his question.

"You see, we can't just let you guys go. We've been having trouble with a certain beast near our shores. As soon as I saw that face of yours Mr. Holland, I had finally felt hope for this kingdom" the king stood proudly.

"How do you know my name..?" Jacob said.

The King snapped his fingers. A nervous maid then made her way to the throne and held a red book. Handing it over to the king, she hurried away. Maisie's eyes seemed to widen as she looked closer at the cover of the book.

"The Inevitable. A crew of fine monster hunters. The best of them all, Jacob Holland. The man who killed 5 of them beast in a span of 2 days!" The king exclaimed as sweat dripped down Jacob's face.

An awkward silence was shared around the throne room.

"Follow me my boy." The king said as he gestured a hand to Jacob.

"Jacob wait." I said with a concerned tone as I walked towards him. A guard placed his spear in front of me to stop any interference with the king.

Jacob stared at me with his gloomy eyes and walked towards the guard. He placed his hand on the spear to lower it and placed his other hand on the side of my face.

"Y/n. Everything's going to be okay. Trust me love." He said with a warm smile. I placed my hand over his as a one final goodbye.

We slightly nodded our heads to each other and then Jacob walked off towards the king. I know he said everything was going to be alright but, I just can't help but feel it won't.

——Jacob's POV.———

The king had lead me to a beautiful balcony space that seemed to look over the kingdom as the sunset glazed it's warm light on the roofs of its people.

"Look there." The king pointed out a group of young children playing near the port of the village that lead to the vast ocean.

"Every year we experience one innocent soul like those, taken away from us, by the damn devils of the sea. This is the exact reason why I need you my son. Monster Hunting is technically illegal out there, but with you under the Torchwall name, you can save those poor souls with no charge. Only for that good deed." The king said in a calm but stern tone.

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