Chapter 16 - Final Duel

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—-Y/n's P

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—-Y/n's P.O.V.—-
The various racing thoughts that stirred in my head, banged against my heart. That man... I've never crossed paths with him, but why does he seem so familiar?

"I must avenge whatever pain the other man had caused him." I thought to myself, staring at my Father and Sarah fending off the attacks this wicked man threw at them.

Shaking away my thoughts, I rushed through the blue mist.

"Edmond..stop this.." A faint voice from the mist called out. I figured that must be the name of the man who was causing all this chaos.

As I approached Sarah's side, she threw me one of her spare swords. Nodding my head as a thank you, I pointed my sword toward Edmond. Before I could charge forward, my father stepped in with his spear.

"Let him be y/n, this guy is all mine.." my father yelled in an angry tone. As he charged with a furious force, Edmond had suddenly used his nasty powers to fend the attack off. My father had collapsed to the floor, as a strong gust of a large wooden splinter cut across his arm.

"Captain!" Sarah yelled. Before she could reach him, the giant wooden splinter returned, but just in time, she could shoot it to pieces. I then rushed to Edmond, trying to refrain him from making any other attacks. Thank gosh the sword Sarah gave me was very light. While occupying Edmond, by dodging his attacks, I yelled to Sarah, "You guys need to go back! This was never your problem to deal with in the first place. So let me pay my debt and I assure you, I'll find a way to get back home. All I need is for you guys to be safe".

Sarah lowered her head then glared at me. I nodded my head one more time to assure her that I would be fine. With that, she nodded back, and took my father to the same pillar the familiar man stayed at as well. My focus was then changed back to Edmond. That grin he formed on his face disgusted me.

"Well look who it is! The very person who was to both marry me and bring my brother back. What a pity really. All it took was a quick sip of the real oak substance, but you're bloody lover boy Jacob had to ruin it all." He yelled as one of his attacks slightly slashed at my face.

"So that's his name.. Jacob.." I quickly turned to the man sitting in pain near the pillar. My mind was suddenly shifted as a gust of wind, shooed the clouds of my overcast memory away. It was all clear.

"WHY YOU," I swung my sword towards Edmond, slashing at his constant attacks that contained wood or rope. As I finally reached the tip of his nose with my sword, I paused.

"Why did you have to get us involved in this..? What benefit does it do for you if your brother comes back to the world of the living? He'll just suffer even more with that illness you said he had. Just let him go you bloody bastard." I exclaimed glaring coldly into his eyes. Suddenly, Edmond started to whimper. His eyes seemed to burn with the flowing tears.

"I'm so sorry Y/n. I'm sorry to everyone.." Edmond yelled. I slightly lowered my sword from his sudden actions.

"What I did was selfish. And, I wouldn't want to bring anymore suffering to my dear brother so, I try to let go. Please Y/n. Help me finally overcome this grief.." Edmond cried, holding out a hand towards me. Hesitantly, I stared at his hand then to his face. This face read guilt and sorrow for sure. Slowly, my hand approached his. As our hands were fully grasped together, I couldn't help but get the chills. I quickly glanced at his face, only to see a sly grin.

"Edmond you," before I could position myself back with the sword, he forcefully grabbed my neck with both his hands. Tightening his grip with each word. I scratched, I kicked and punched all I could, but this man was no normal man of course. Tears were falling slowly as I realized I was going to break a promise. The promise of returning back alive, and getting us all home. As my vision became more fuzzier, I started to loose consciousness. That was until I heard rushing footsteps approaching from the faint blue mist. Buckled boots. It's him! The painful grip that laid upon my neck was finally gone as I moved my eyes toward the scene in front of me. Jacob had wrapped his arm around Edmond's neck, trying to restrain him from attacking anymore.

"Jacob! I thought you were injured!?" I yelled worried helping him out with Edmond.

"It's true that I'm injured, but there's no injury that'll ever stop me from keeping you safe love." He winked trying to keep Edmond at bay.

I blushed at his comment but then quickly felt my face go pale as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Placing my hand upon the pain, I gasped at the sight of it stained with blood.

"Damn it.." I said slowly lowering myself to the ground to try to tolerate the pain. I glanced up to see Edmond holding his knife. Stained with the reddest blood.

"Y/N!" Jacob foolishly released Edmond and rushed over to me. I rapidly shook my head, warning Jacob to not worry about me and finish Edmond's cruel plan. Pulling me close into his arms, he took of the top of the uniform he was wearing, ripped the cloth, and then tied it around my injury to stop the blood from escaping.

"Thanks.." I said weakly. Jacob smiled. A sinister cry appeared as we both glanced back at Edmond. The blue mist seemed to slowly fade away.


"YOU TWO!" He furiously yelled.

"I think it's time you've payed your debt.." Edmond exclaimed slowly pulling out his knife again.

Jacob turned his back to Edmond, trying to protect me from his upcoming attack. I tried to prevent Jacob from receiving any other harm, but the wound in my stomach was almost like gravity.

"Jacob.. I was supposed to be the one protecting you in the end.." I exclaimed with a sad tone.

"I'm afraid things changed for the better love." He nervously laughed, forming a small tear in his eye. Before Edmond started to charge towards us, I pulled Jacob's face close to mine from the remaining strength of my arms.

"I love you Jacob. And I always will. Even if I'm not the first to protect you, I guess I'll be the first to do you this," as I finished my sentence, I roughly placed my lips against his. I could feel his heart racing as he pulled me closer to his chest. He suddenly broke the kiss, and paused to stare into my eyes.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this y/n.. I love," before Jacob's sweet voice could continue, he was cut off by a wince of pain. As he collapsed to the floor ever so slowly, still holding onto my hand, I shrieked with anger and grief. Edmond, had beat him to his final words. My sanity then seemed to run wild at that point. The thought that the man who I loved most was taken away, injured me in such an emotional way. I quickly drew my sword and charged towards Edmond. Completely taking in all his attacks, I felt the pain of loosing Jacob overtake the pain from Edmond's attack. I could see the stupid sweat on his brow. That coward. As I finally reached the tip of his nose again, I changed the direction towards his neck.

"Goodbye.." I finally said bringing my sword back to get ready to take the life of the man who took Jacob away from me. Before I could finish off the full swing, a grip was felt on my sword. I quickly turned around to see..Blair? Her hands were dripping of blood, holding onto the fresh blade of the sword. She then lowered it, and embraced me.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry," she whimpered.

I dropped the sword and embraced her back. Sobbing away all the memories, I thought to myself, "I guess Edmond and I are even now..we've both taken away something from each other..haven't we"?

(To be continued..)

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