Chapter 8 - Reasons & a Plan

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Author's Note:
Sorry~ before I start the chapter I wanted to say thank you so much for all the support from you guys who choose to read this cheesy story lmaoo😭 I honestly have no idea where this story is going but I'm going to try my best to continue it and hopefully give it a satisfying ending that actual makes sense🤧 again, thank you for all the love! enjoy!❤️

Author's Note:Sorry~ before I start the chapter I wanted to say thank you so much for all the support from you guys who choose to read this cheesy story lmaoo😭 I honestly have no idea where this story is going but I'm going to try my best to cont...

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—-y/n's POV—-

After Maisie and I had yelled out in shock, Edmond quickly held a finger to his lips, signaling that he wanted to keep this "info" between only us three.

"Look. I had to do it okay. You see, my younger brother was terribly ill from his voyage and he needed funds in order to get treatment from the kingdom's medical authorities. Yet, imagine everyday you were looked down upon because you contained, "the devil's sorcery". Yeah, it was pretty much impossible to get accepted into any well paying jobs of the village in my shoes. That was until you guys arrived." Edmond had suddenly paused and quietly laughed.

"What was it that you guys said, that made the king so aggravated that day?" He whispered.

Maisie glanced at me with a worried look. I sighed and shook my head.

"Well, I'm not sure why but the king grew fond of our ex-crew member known as Jacob Holland. All I can remember, was him praising Holland of his great hunting skills, looks and mentioned something of an arranged marriage..." my head started pounding again when I thought back to those moments. Edmond seemed to notice my discomfort and decided to continue his explanation for the sake of my mental state.

"Hm. That's quite odd. I would say, 30 minutes after you guys stormed out of the castle, I had arrived to the throne room pleading my life for the king to spare my brother's life by excusing the funds I needed to get for his treatment. Anyways, it seemed like my reputation of containing sorcery reached the royals and the king took that as an opportunity to get what he wanted most. Which I know realized with the help of your words, was to get Jacob under his wings. If I was able to get your friend to join the king, all funds for my brother's recovery would be paid off." Edmond said with guilt in his voice.

"That night, when you guys were passed out from celebrating, I took the chance to place the spell upon him. I'm, so sorry..." He whispered as he placed his face in his hands.

I took a deep breath and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Look, I understand. You were only doing it for a good reason." I reassured him.

Edmond raised his head and smiled as a way of saying, "thanks for understanding".

"So about that spell," Maisie interrupted.

"Yes, what about it?" Edmond asked.

"When you said it erased all memory of the past promises he made, does that mean the promise he made about monster hunting just, vanished?? And why did he mention killing Red!?? It was just so...RANDOM." Maisie blurted out frustrated.

"Man this will be hard to explain... um, well, let's just say the king handed me a script of what he wanted to be done. I had mentioned a memory stealing spell, but he had also wanted me to add in a fake back up memory to better keep the forgotten promises, forgotten." Edmond said rubbing the back of his neck.

"I see..." Maisie nodded her head.

"But look, I've always despised that king really. I mean, he's the bloody reason why I can't afford to pay my brother's medical care. His greed is always covered up by his "good deeds". Damn it all I say!" Edmond said fixing his posture.

I suddenly heard loud creaking surrounding our little circle. I turned around to see the crew finally waking up. They all sighed in relief as they saw Maisie and I safe and sound. My father rushed out of his sleeping position to me.

"Y/n! Are you alright lass? I'm so sorry about me boy Jacob. I have no idea what got into that bloody head of his." my father said suddenly embracing me for the first time in forever.

I slowly moved myself away to get a better glimpse of my father's eyes. They seemed to finally glint with light for once.

"I'm fine father, thank you." I smiled.

Patting me on the back he started moving towards Edmond.

"You must be the boy who took us into your quarters, no? Thanks for ya service lad." My father said shaking his hand.

"The pleasure's all mine sir. And you can call me Edmond." He said smiling. Edmond then glanced to me and came close to my ear.

"Um, forgive me for saying this but, I never got your name after all this time talking with you." He blushed out of embarrassment.

"Oh! It's Y/n." I giggled.

"Y/n... what a beautiful name." Edmond said as his eyes seemed to shine with awe.

"Oh! Anyways, I have a plan to bring your good friend back to his normal self, if you want him back that is." Edmond exclaimed.

The room was then filled with murmurs. I was quite confused myself on whether I wanted to speak to Jacob again or not. But when I look back, it wasn't Jacob that stood on top of that beast. So with that, I nodded my head to Edmond. The rest of the crew followed in my lead.

"I see. Well then if all of you are on board, I've made a remedy for the unfortunate spell I put upon him. I explained the whole situation to you guys earlier right?" Edmond gestured to the crew around Maisie and I. They all gave a thumbs up. With that Edmond continued.

"This remedy should restore all his promises from the past year, but it will come at a small cost. Once the spell is upon him, he will gain his promises, but will loose his memory of the ones he grew close to only in the past month." Edmond said, glancing at me.

I could feel the multiple stares of pity upon me. I thought to myself, " That couldn't be me could it? Well, if it is then nothing can be done. The crew needs him more than ever, and I'm not about to let my feelings get in the way". I signaled Edmond to continue.

"So if we come to an agreement to use this spell, we can use it at the royal ball tonight. I do not know the reason of the occasion being held, but what I do know is that Jacob will be present there so it'll be our only chance before he is completely in the hands of the king. I need all of you to get into palace disguises. The majority of us will act as defense. I'll be the one to place the spell in whatever cup he is drinking out of got it? Any questions then?" Edmond scanned the room.

We all shook our heads. There were some faces with grins and others with worry. But we were all mostly determined to get our real Jacob back on board.

(To be continued...)

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